Narrate that Saber Fight!

By Desslok, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Thanks for this! Awesome work! I was just discussing doing something like this for one of my players because he said the RPG couldn't emulate the movie fights!

I am still considering statting up Obi Wan and Anakin for their fight once I have F&D in my hands...

Grevious and Obi-Wan

General Grevious Rolls first on the inti slot and uses improved quickdraw and a cybernetic modification (BECAUSE HE'S A BADASS Villian) to draw another two with an manvore. He then launches into a quad weilding attack; machanically he's duel weilding with a stack of setback dice in place of a Hard Imtimidation check, though he completely wiffs this combat roll. The player playing Obi-Wan passes his fear check (remains firm) launches into his own lightsaber attack and scores a double trumph and links another strong attack using the advantage (Saber Swarm); rather then roll for crits the DM allows him to take two of his arms off, removing the extra setback dice Obi-wan has on his attack due to the lightsabers. He then prepares a defensive stance. Narratively it's described that despite Grevious's overwheming precieved advantage, the Jedi stands firm and utterly schools him in the opening engagement.

Round two: Finding himself outmatched by the Jedi, Grevious uses a manvour to move to a nearby speeder wheel and uses his action to punch it. Obi-Wan follows suit.

Round Three: They make apposed racing checks, Grevious succeeds with a dispair, losing his lightsabers.

Round Four: Apposed checks again, this time ObI-Wan succeeds enough to catch up with Grevious, though this time he rolls a dispair and loses his lightsaber,

Round Five: Grevious makes a brawl check on Obi and rolls big! Obi also roll's a brawl check (he flips a dp with a 3 in brawl) which he succeeds in, but with a combination of parry and his high soak Grevious laughs off the pitiful assualt. However Obi generates several advantage and a trumph, which he uses to turn the tide (he rips open grevious's chest, revealing his organs and mitgating his cybernetic soak) and the advantages to disarm Grevious of his blaster pistol.

Round Six: Grevious beats on Obi more, this time he isn't able to parry it due to running low on strain and due to a trumph is chucked to the edge, putting him in a comprmising poistion this turn; Obi fires (ignoring all but Grevious's natural brawn of 3) and rolls really well on his shot, inflicting enough damage to kill Grevious in that single shot, turns out the lightsaber attack did so much damage that one more hit would have killed him! The DM laughs at having lost his big bad right after introducing him just the previous session!

Actually, after scrolling back and reading your example, it was better then mine. XD

More like 'GM Lucas laughs, knowing Grievous isn't even remotely the big bad of this series. After all, Grievous isn't in episode 4+...but a few other guys are.'

Kenobi vs Vader round one

Round 1) Anakin leads off the fight by pulling his saber and spending his second maneuver leaping at Kenobi for a brutal attack. He spends some advantage overpowering Kenobi and driving him back to the platform's edge, giving him a black. Kenobi counterattacks, but is more looking to gain control of the fight by going with a guarded stance maneuver and moving into a more enclosed area.

Round 2) More of the same, with Skywalker dominating Kenobi and Kenobi turtleing up. Although this time Skywalker spends an advantage to also hit a console, setting off showers of sparks. Will they be beneficial later in the fight? Who knows, but he might as well spend them on something.

Round 3) Skywalker, tired of Kenobi's Melee Defense bonus goes with the choke brawl attack, and spends some advantage to try and force Kenobi's blade back on himself. Kenobi responds with a kick and a flip and a clothesline kick of his own and spending a maneuver force grabbing his saber where it fell.

Round 4) Finally with Skywalker momentum broken, Kenobi goes on the attack. He goes with a Force Shove, trying to blow Anakin off his feet. But Anakin's willpower to resist sends then both reeling. Anakin retorts by spending a maneuver to leap across the room and gets a despair, hitting the computer console and turning off the defensive shields. "Gee, I wonder how that will come into play later" the GM thinks, snickering to himself.

Round 5) Working their way outside, Kenobi goes back to the Guarded Stance well and jumps to a thin narrow pipe - forcing an upgraded difficulty for both parties and hopefully giving him the upper hand. Skywalker is having none of that and presses the attack, despite the additional red die.

Round 6) Anakin's despair from round 4 finally kicks in as a huge wave of Lava nearly engulfs the pair, and makes their dangerous fight even worse. Kenobi spends a maneuver running from the lava and his second back on Defensive Stance. Anakin follows, and his attack is pretty half-hearted with no pluses or minuses.

Round 7) Combat upgrades for all - hanging sideways off a teetering structure flowing down a lava river sounds pretty Red Die worthy to me. Anakin presses the attack while Kenobi, further up the tower, flips a point and goes "Since I have a better vantage point, can I spot the lavafall that we're about to go over before Anakin and jump away to safety?

"Wait - lavafall?" The GM asks. "Eh, why not. Yeah, you can!"

"Great, I spend a maneuver swinging away and the action making sure I land on the super small hoverdroid some yards away"

Round 8) Anakin spends a maneuver jumping to a second hoverdroid and goes back to pounding Kenobi with decidedly mediocre rolls. Kenobi counterattacks, flips a point asking if there's a good spot along the river's edge where he could gain advantage? Getting the nod from the GM, he spends his maneuver jumping to dry land.

Round 9) Anakin jumps to dry land to higher ground - and in a shocking betrayal of his dice, fails his attack roll. Kenobi, on the other hand attacks, crits and rolls ridiculously well on the chart, leaving Anakin a dismembered mess on the ground.

Edited by Desslok

Kenobi vs Vader round two

Round 1-3) The GM is feeling off sorts and uninspired tonight. Kenobi and Vader are making good rolls and having some great in-character banter, but the GM's heart just isn't in it, simply trading blows and parries back and forth. Kenobi, fed up with the GM tells him he's retiring from the game and to just kill his character.

(Yeah, there's not much to work with in New Hope. . . .)

Heh. 'The ROTJ fight takes place just as Vader's player becomes a new dad, his wife having had their first baby a month and a half ago...'

Vader texts the GM...

"If Sids tries to kill my son tonight, I am going to take serious offense to that..."

"Sounds good, bro. If he goes there, I'll raise your morality up to 30+ on the spot and start calling you Anakin again...feel free to act appropriately."

Vader vs Luke Round Two)

Before the session, the GM and Luke's player talk about Luke's desire to save his father. The GM goes away and contemplates the climax of his entire campaign, coming back the next session to pull Luke aside. "For this one encounter only, we'll use the Scathing Tirade mechanic. If you can reduce Vader's strain to zero AND give me some good role playing, you can save him."

Round 1)

We open with Vader laying in some heavy blows (Luke's swing on the Emperor was purely a story telling out of combat moment). Luke counters with same, but uses his advantage to send Vader *** over teakettle down the stairs.

Round 2)

Vader spends one maneuver getting off the ground and the second climbing the stairs and gets some good licks. Luke does the same, but gets some threat. The GM goes "You were so intent on leaping and evading Vader's attack that you leap backwards into the confined space of a control station"

"Well crap" Luke's player says. "Fine, I use my maneuver to summersault backwards to one the catwalks in the throne room, out of Vader's reach"

"Catwalks in the throne room? That makes no sense. . . ."

Luke's player leans forward and flips a destiny point.

"Fine, there are catwalks in the throne room."

Round 3)

We get a brief exchange of role playing and Luke's Scathing Tirade. Vader's player finally tires of this and goes "Catwalks? Fine - I cut your catwalks down!" throwing his saber and attacking the crossbeam. Luke, realizing that the plan is working better than fighting hides uses his maneuver to the shadows to keep up the psychological attack.

Round 4)

Vader realizing the mind games that Luke is playing counters with his own. "Lets see if I can pick up a primal fear" he says, rolling his sense - and comes up a winner. Having his button pressed, Luke flips out and attacks - landing a crit and rolling well, lopping off Vader's hand.

Round 5)

Luke gets one last scathing tirade in and flips one more destiny point "I throw away my weapon, and the Emperor, being the overconfident bastard that he is, gets fed up and attacks me with that finger lightning stuff of his"

"Wait - you want the Emperor to attack you?"

"Yeah, that should hopefully give me the last psychological edge to spark Vader's flame of goodness and save me"

"You know, that sound pretty good. Okay, I'll roll with it." has Vader return to the light, kicks Palpatine to the curb and wraps up the campaign on a happy ending.

Edited by Desslok

Finally got around to checking out the E7 DVD. Here's the Big Fight!

Kylo Ren vs Finn and Rey

Round One) As Finn and Rey run through the forest, they are jumped by Kylo Ren. He had a pretty good sneak roll, so the GM lets him go first for this pass down the initiative track. Dismissing Finn as not a threat, he uses his Bind on Rey. The GM says that it sends her sailing into a tree and knocks her out - but only for a little bit since Kylo only has a couple of Strength upgrades. Finn, realizing he is outclassed and in trouble, spends his maneuver to run over to Rey and his other maneuver to grab her lightsaber.

Round Two) Having rolled well on the initiative, Finn goes first and launches his attack. The player sighs, looking at his meager dice pool and says "Well, I am a trained solider with melee weapons training. Can I at least get a blue?" The GM being a nice guy give it to him - but even with that, he spends most of the round flails about like the untrained but moderately brawny duelist that he is. Kylo counterattacks and gets a couple of good, solid shots in, spending his advantage to knock Finn on his butt. And then for color, the GM reminds him about the crit he got last fight, so the player finishes up grimacing from the pain.

Round Three) Poor Finn and his inability to get successes on his green dice. Spending his maneuver to climb to his feet, tries his best, but winds up rolling poorly and is largely ineffectual against Kylo, missing him completely. Kylo on the other hand, leans in heavy into the attack. His advantage forces Finn back into a tree (giving Finn a black next attack). He also rolls a triumph, which gets applied to Finn's shoulder as a Agonizing Wound.

Round Four) Even down a green die from his crit, even with the black, Finn gets lucky enough to generate some successes, which lands a solid blow on Kylo. Sadly Kylo's nemesis upgrade comes up a despair, and Finn is disarmed. Kylo counterattacks with lots of successes to land some solid blows and a triumph, which turns into another critical. That's enough to put him over the wound threshold, and Finn drops.

Round Five) Not realizing that his Bind has lapsed, Kylo focuses on being cool by picking up the fallen saber with the Force, not realizing that Rey has gotten to her feet, is right behind him and just rolled more force pips than he did.

Round Six) Realizing that she's badly outmatched, Rey does the Guarded Stance maneuver and turtles up under Kylo's furious onslaught. She also spends her other maneuver to climb up the rocks in the canyon, giving Kylo another black for her efforts. Her efforts pay off, and Kylo fails to get any crits or land any solid blows as he chases her down.

Round Seven) Rey, still keeping her defensive maneuver up winds up not only not suceeding at her saber check, but rolling enough threat that she finds herself back to the newly formed yawning abyss that opened up behind them. Kylo goes for a change of tactic, trying persuasion on Rey, trying to convince her to join him. Sadly, when he rolls - it comes up a despair, allowing Rey to center herself and upgrading her next attack.

Round Eight) Emboldened by her new connection to the Force, Rey delivers a can of whupass on Kylo, landing a critical hit and enough advantage to put Kylo on the ropes. Kylo realizes that he has to get under Rey's reach and tries a new attack - grappling for her saber. Sadly he rolls really, really poorly, with lots of threat and a despair - but also gets a Triumph. The GM says after a few moments of trying to overpower each other, giving Rey the upper hand. But with the Triumph, says that the ground opens up a fissure between them, ending the fight without a fatality.

Edited by Desslok

Funny enough, I was considering starting a thread, and going through the movies scene by scene, doing exactly this. Not just the saber fights, but all of it. Translating it to dice rolls and the like.

Hey, go right ahead! I have no monopoly on good ideas!

I could watch the Finn/Rey/Kylo fight all day. Good work Desslok, as always.

This is just awesome work, Desslok.

Not only to see your interpretations of classic Star Wars scenes through the Narrative Dice System, but also as superlative examples of how the system works - especially in regards to flipping Destiny, and when to stay strict to RAW and when to put it to the side for an instance in favor of the narrative aspect of the story (certainly in regards to Morality, Conflict, and so on).

FFG should employ you to write 'examples of game-play'! :D

FFG should employ you to write 'examples of game-play'! :D

Resume available on demand!

Desslok, I'd love to see you take a couple Knight level Jedi characters and pit them against an Inquisitor, then narrate a totally unique battle, working with random numbers instead of working the system backwards.

Hmmm, missed that request last time - I'll see if I can't come up with something here over the weekend and post it up. . . .

I'm going to do one. Unfortunately I haven't watched the movies in a while. Here goes.

Qui-gon vs. Maul: tattoine

1) maul spends a maneuver to jump out and ignite his lightsaber

2) quigon uses a meneuver to use a tactical direction and tell anakan to go in the ship.

3) anakin at this goes to the ship and leaves the fight.

Round two

1) Maul, strikes doing some damage.

2) qui-gon flips destiny point to have ship start up. He then force jumps in.