Creating maps for the Advanced Campaign, which tool to use?

By shnar, in Doom

I'm getting up to needing to create maps. What tools are best to use these days for Doom? I need both games (base+expansion), and I need to export the map to an image that I can manually manipulate (i.e. shrink, put on a card, put in manuals, etc).


+1 for Tile System. It keeps track of how many tiles/tokens you've used so you know when you're running out of a particular type (so you don't accidentally make a map that can't be constructed.) It can export maps to jpg format which can then be edited by whatever image editing software you prefer. I've never had any issues with it.

Remember there's a feature to release tiles from "snap to grid" mode in case you're having trouble getting one tile in exactly the right place ;)

Shnary, how is your Doom developement going mate? Cannot wait to try it :)

Need some testing? Any council perhaps? :D

I've made some progress on the skill trees, and I'm nearing completion on the manual. Once that's done, the monumental task of creating 40 Sector Levels, 7 Outpost Levels, 30 Encounter Levels and 10 Hell Levels, as well as about 5 Final Battle levels needs to be done *WHEW*


Where are you gonna publish this awesome sounding expansion? Be sure to tell us when you finish.

Shnar, I bet a lot of us would like the opportunity to contribute to this. If you need designs for the "Dungeon" Deck. I'm sure a few of us could throw some ideas together and submit 'em to you. If they're not what you're lookin' for, just chuck 'em.

BTW, what are you looking for in a "Dungeon" Deck. Feel free to reference Descent in your response. I'm familiar with it as well. I am also aware that simply switching out the tokens on the Descent cards won't keep the feel/balance Doom has always enjoyed. So let us know what you consider as factors when making these levels.

Thumbs Up on the whole project, Shnar!!! aplauso.gif

Knuckles Eki said:

Where are you gonna publish this awesome sounding expansion? Be sure to tell us when you finish.

I'll most likely just upload a big PDF to BGG (or a few, manual as one, tiles as another, etc).


XmenDynasty said:

Shnar, I bet a lot of us would like the opportunity to contribute to this. If you need designs for the "Dungeon" Deck. I'm sure a few of us could throw some ideas together and submit 'em to you. If they're not what you're lookin' for, just chuck 'em.

BTW, what are you looking for in a "Dungeon" Deck. Feel free to reference Descent in your response. I'm familiar with it as well. I am also aware that simply switching out the tokens on the Descent cards won't keep the feel/balance Doom has always enjoyed. So let us know what you consider as factors when making these levels.

Thumbs Up on the whole project, Shnar!!! aplauso.gif

Thanks. I'll definately need help with the individual sector levels. It will be similar to RtL in concept (i.e. short "dungeons", 3 to a sector) but each will have it's own objective. The marines are not just going from one side of the map to the other, unlocking the door by killing a dungeon leader. Rather, each level has a specific objective. Marines earn accommodations by achieving the objectives, Invader earns a Frag if they fail. The marines can go down the elevator at any time, failing the objective of that level obviously.

I'll try to piece together one or two dungeons to demonstrate what I mean, then let everyone else chip in :)


shnar said:

Thanks. I'll definately need help with the individual sector levels. It will be similar to RtL in concept (i.e. short "dungeons", 3 to a sector) but each will have it's own objective. The marines are not just going from one side of the map to the other, unlocking the door by killing a dungeon leader. Rather, each level has a specific objective. Marines earn accommodations by achieving the objectives, Invader earns a Frag if they fail. The marines can go down the elevator at any time, failing the objective of that level obviously.

I'll try to piece together one or two dungeons to demonstrate what I mean, then let everyone else chip in :)

I like the sounds of that. =)

I do hope you don't mind writing a bit of how it works, I do not have Descent, and I don't plan to buy Descent either.

Definately, which is why I'm trying to get the rulebook done before I start tackling the different sector levels. You should be able to read the rulebook and get a gist of how the campaign works, just like the rulebook in Descent tells you how to play, but the missions is the actual board to play on. In the Advanced Campaign, all these sector levels, encounter levels, hell levels, and outpost levels are like the missions. You need them to play, but not to understand how the game works.


Maybe I'll contribute some small levels too. Could be fun :)