Finally after waiting for 7 months and the price going from 12 to 18 €, I got Nature's Ire. When I was unpacking this expansion and reading up on it, I noticed how cumbersome this analogue solution worked: I have to print out the encounterrooms (most likely black and white) and everytime I draw an encounter card, I have to cross-reference with my black and white manual how to set things up and read some quest information.
Now I thought I will probably use my tablet for doing this and then I wondered why FFG didn't release this whole thing as an app, that randomizes your cards and presents you the fitting setup to your digitally drawn encounter card.
I know I would buy more of them if they were a little cheaper and readily available and since FFG seems like it can't just quite meet demand, while at the same time selling kind of a nicheproduct of the PoD kind and having such a hard time on international distribution, it makes me wonder why they don't sell this PoD stuff digitally.
Do you think they are afraid of pirating?