Isn't that kinda the point of Adversary? I mean a guy with Lightsaber 3:2 opposed, and a guy with Adversary 3 will generate the difficulty using either method. And if you're having a duel that guy better darn well have adversary...
Yeah, my issue is just that taking an opponent's skill pool and Adversary into account is basically doubling up. The Adversary talent is meant, in my mind, to represent "skilled opposition" or "elite training," and that is exactly what skill ranks are for So it'd be like giving Batman a Boost die to hide because his suit is black, and then another Boost die to hide because his suit is dark .
Well that makes perfect sense though, he'd also get an upgrade because he's Batman.
Seriously though, my point was more: If you want to use opposed checks, why not just give the target character sufficient ranks in adversary to get roughly the same result without the kludge?