Hi folks
I'll start this by saying I've not read the beta book and of course we haven't seen the core rulebook yet, so I don't know if lightsaber duels are presented differently to conventional melee, but given that I'll be GMing F&D when it comes out, I've been thinking about lightsaber duels. The difficulty to hit in melee is two purple dice, which to my mind, doesn't lend itself well to an epic-feeling slugfest between hyper-focused, lightsaber-wielding, toe-to-toe Force users going at it hell for leather. Do you think it would be feasible (and more dramatically appropriate) to have an attacker's melee combat difficulty be their opponent's lighsaber skill rating (in other words, an opposed roll) rather than the normal two-dice difficulty? And would it upset anything rules-wise for me to make this a house rule?