Possible Silly Questions

By muaddib33, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Does the hero always have to decale one of the four actions before he acts and stick to that? Or could he start moving and then if he didn't spend 1x his move do a ready or an advance. I have been playing that you have to decale in the beginning (Run,Advance,Ready or Battle). What is the official rule?

Also, does it state anywhere in the rules how many skills you can have? I know you can buy them at the town shop but I cannot find a reference for how many a hero is allowed to have total.


muaddib33 said:

Does the hero always have to decale one of the four actions before he acts and stick to that? Or could he start moving and then if he didn't spend 1x his move do a ready or an advance. I have been playing that you have to decale in the beginning (Run,Advance,Ready or Battle). What is the official rule?

Also, does it state anywhere in the rules how many skills you can have? I know you can buy them at the town shop but I cannot find a reference for how many a hero is allowed to have total.


Yes, once you declare you have to stick with it. Grey Ker's hero ability is to basically do that switch.

IIRC, there is no limit on the number of skills you can buy in vanilla Descent, I know in RtL its five.

Thanks for the help...I guess I haven't looked at Grey Ker yet. We just got the game last week and my son and I are making our way through the first quest.

Thanks again

I can't wait until my kids are old enough to fathom this game. I've got a long wait. :(

It is great. My boy is 8 and we started by trying my old Talisman game....which he loved. Then it just kept on going from there. He loves munchkin, the WOW boardgame and Runebound as well. Great times. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to play with us...maybe then we will convince my wife to play as well.

muaddib33 said:

Does the hero always have to decale one of the four actions before he acts and stick to that? Or could he start moving and then if he didn't spend 1x his move do a ready or an advance. I have been playing that you have to decale in the beginning (Run,Advance,Ready or Battle). What is the official rule?

This one is a real stickler for us. Normally we aren't this anal about the rules and let people 'take back" things, but in this case the official rule is you can't take it back and that's important since otherwise Grey Ker has no special ability.

Steve-O said:

This one is a real stickler for us. Normally we aren't this anal about the rules and let people 'take back" things, but in this case the official rule is you can't take it back and that's important since otherwise Grey Ker has no special ability.

Do you let people "take back" actions after they have new information that they didn't have before, such as after rolling a die, drawing a card, or having an opponent announce a reaction?

If not, then technically, as soon as the hero moves into an space, they have new information (specifically, that the overlord isn't playing a trap in response to that movement), so letting them take it back seems kind of unfair. Same thing if they make an attack roll, of course.

I normally let people take back all sorts of stuff in all sorts of games, but not after they've gotten new information.