New mini sculpts?

By talismanisland, in Fury of Dracula

I see the artwork has changed, but I can't tell if the minis are new sculpts. Any thoughts?

They look the same from the image:


Thanks. I do wonder then if that is a placeholder as I think most reprints recently have had new minis.

I'd say they are the same.

It shows the new board, so I would expect it to show the new minis, if there were any.

FFG has been rotating out some truly old OLD minis (such as all the heroes from Runebound/Decent 1E being redone in Descent 2E hero packs,) however, these minis were already a step up when FFG first released their edition of FoD back in 2005. (?)

So I can see them resuing the same minis for this edition.

Fair point. On squinting they do look the same. I look forward to some pics from Gencon.

looking at the recent video, minis are the same. I too am disapointed

Edited by rugal

In the video they seem to be using a provisional version. There are two different versions of the hunters' sheets (look at the turn structure at the right of the sheet) at different points of the video. They also use a paper token to interrupt a road. There's still hope that these aren't the final components of the game.

I'd hoped they change the miniatures. Or at least made them bigger. :(