Chronicles of the Gatekeeper is on the boat

By kaosoe, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

As for the new power, I think Lorne is right. It's probably just a Macguffin. At most, It might be a modular one-off purchasable that allows you to do something interesting with the Force, but I doubt it will be much more than that.

If it's cast as a reward from a mighty quest, and thus a GM resource, it could be game-breaking as a Rod of Seven Parts where each part has a tiny Deck of Many Things hidden inside, and the meta-game at large would be mostly untouched.

Smells like 3.5 D&D/Pathfinder. Splat booked to death. To the point where systems became broken and very very expensive. IMHO 5e, so far, has finally found the right mix of quality vs quantity.

One splatbook per career, with three specializations, a slew of new and appropriate weapons and gear, and lots of GM advice and career-specific adventure hooks. It's nothing like 3.5.
your 3.5 experience must have been vastly different then mine. For your description matches 3.5 perfectly. YMMV
Then why don't you stop endorsing the FFG RPG System while we all enjoy it.

If you want the entire collection, you need to fork out the dough.

wow. Ok. An obsevation is made and people get defensive. As if the post was an attack against them. Interesting. In case someone missed it, it was an observation. Not an attack on what anyone should do or feel. Here is a thought. How about you not tell people what to do with their time and money and they will do the same for you. Those conversations are never constructive.

I wasn't defensive. I just think your observation is short sighted.

I feel 3.5 glutted the market with unnecessary books on anything and everything of varying quality and usefulness. FFG seems to be putting out thoughtful material that intelligently expands the existing core rules without superseding them or overpowering the game. There's not 3 players handbooks and 2 DM guides and 4 monster manuals. There's a core book, and then a career book for each career. And a couple of adventures if you'd like to play them. Pretty simple.

I would rather see new material and constant support that as a GM I can choose to buy and or use or choose to dismiss. If the game system doesn't produce books and give themselves revenue then eventually that system goes away amd we GM'S and or players are found spending even more money because now we have to invest in a new system. I love FFG'S take on Star wars and keep giving us splat books, adventures, region books, and whatever else you come up and I will continue to buy at least a third of the books based on my interests and player's characters.