Chronicles of the Gatekeeper is on the boat

By kaosoe, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

With everyone holding their breath for the Core to drop, this seemed to fly under the radar. I'm looking forward to this one; especially seeing a brand new species hit the tables.

Any word on what that species is, or is it still a mystery?

Brand new species and new force power...

My poor wallet. I had JUST caught up on all the books again, too.

(also, yay!)

My poor wallet. I had JUST caught up on all the books again, too.

(also, yay!)

Lucky you! I only have a handful... long way to go, but I'll have fun getting there...

Oooh, that probably means there's a non-zero percent chance this will be at Gen Con too, at least a small number of advance copies.

A new force an adventure supplement? What, aren't the adventures selling well enough?

Do we know for certain there's a new species? It doesn't mention it in the preview. It would be the first adventure to have real crunch in it, if so.

I can see why they'd put Force Powers in the splatbooks. Not sure this one excites me much really. We've had Farsee previously; is this one THAT much different?

Do we know for certain there's a new species? It doesn't mention it in the preview. It would be the first adventure to have real crunch in it, if so.

I can see why they'd put Force Powers in the splatbooks. Not sure this one excites me much really. We've had Farsee previously; is this one THAT much different?

Third paragraph mentions a "new playable species".

A new force an adventure supplement? What, aren't the adventures selling well enough?

To be fair, I'm a bit annnoyed by it too. since I don't usually do published adventures... So they're probably trying to get people like me.

A new force an adventure supplement? What, aren't the adventures selling well enough?

To be fair, I'm a bit annnoyed by it too. since I don't usually do published adventures... So they're probably trying to get people like me.

My reading is that the new Force Power is a McGuffin, a circumstance I'm totally fine with. The only thing that makes the hairs on the back of my neck take notice is memories of SAGA editions's death-by-splatbook power creep.

To that end, I'm more concerned about the inclusion of new Force powers in career books where player expectation is that PCs can take them at creation with (real or presumed) lack of GM oversight. Historically, these things break the games of all but a tiny percentage of hyper-vigilant gamemasters with the experience to decree "vanilla only" at session zero.

Edited by Lorne

A new force an adventure supplement? What, aren't the adventures selling well enough?

This is a practice that would seriously bother me. I can understand putting new force powers and playable species in the career splats, but in an adventure? Ugh.

There's already a precedent for this, as Beyond the Rim for EotE includes a new skill. I'm avoiding spoilers, but I wouldn't be surprised if the new Force power simply codifies something people already do with a mixture of existing game mechanics and storytelling. That said, I get where you're coming from.

Smells like 3.5 D&D/Pathfinder. Splat booked to death. To the point where systems became broken and very very expensive. IMHO 5e, so far, has finally found the right mix of quality vs quantity.

Smells like 3.5 D&D/Pathfinder. Splat booked to death. To the point where systems became broken and very very expensive. IMHO 5e, so far, has finally found the right mix of quality vs quantity.

One splatbook per career, with three specializations, a slew of new and appropriate weapons and gear, and lots of GM advice and career-specific adventure hooks. It's nothing like 3.5.

There is no published system that can thrive (let alone survive) without a constant influx of capital. Period. Personally, I want them to keep producing content in a reasonable(ish) time frame because that means the game is growing and not dying. When they stop producing content, we begin to lose players and interested parties. Not to say people don't still play old RPG games (the Force knows I have good friends that have two systems - Pre-AD&D and CWoD Mage), but trying to get material for new players through eBay alone is difficult at best and sometimes can be even more expensive with older systems.

I say "Let them Publish"! Just don't do a splatbook for each system every month... very few of us can deal with that.

There is no published system that can thrive (let alone survive) without a constant influx of capital. Period. Personally, I want them to keep producing content in a reasonable(ish) time frame because that means the game is growing and not dying. When they stop producing content, we begin to lose players and interested parties. Not to say people don't still play old RPG games (the Force knows I have good friends that have two systems - Pre-AD&D and CWoD Mage), but trying to get material for new players through eBay alone is difficult at best and sometimes can be even more expensive with older systems.

I say "Let them Publish"! Just don't do a splatbook for each system every month... very few of us can deal with that.

It's actually been quite a while, prior to the Diplomat book. My game is ready for some formalized Jedi rules and a little additional inspiration.

Me too... though I am still new... but then I want my players to have Obligation, Duty and one or two with Morality added on top. So far they only have Obligation, but the Galaxy is heating up!

Smells like 3.5 D&D/Pathfinder. Splat booked to death. To the point where systems became broken and very very expensive. IMHO 5e, so far, has finally found the right mix of quality vs quantity.

One splatbook per career, with three specializations, a slew of new and appropriate weapons and gear, and lots of GM advice and career-specific adventure hooks. It's nothing like 3.5.

Smells like 3.5 D&D/Pathfinder. Splat booked to death. To the point where systems became broken and very very expensive. IMHO 5e, so far, has finally found the right mix of quality vs quantity.

One splatbook per career, with three specializations, a slew of new and appropriate weapons and gear, and lots of GM advice and career-specific adventure hooks. It's nothing like 3.5.
your 3.5 experience must have been vastly different then mine. For your description matches 3.5 perfectly. YMMV

Then why don't you stop endorsing the FFG RPG System while we all enjoy it.

If you want the entire collection, you need to fork out the dough.

A new force an adventure supplement? What, aren't the adventures selling well enough?

They always seem to throw in little Feelies into their adventures - the mass combat rules in that AoR comes to mind. . . .

I'm more than happy to see each book have something for everyone. Ideally players in a group could buy a book so that they get a new skill/force power- and the GM gets a new tool to play with too. Win Win. The fact that there is something resembling this in this game is a big factor in me buying everything I can.

Smells like 3.5 D&D/Pathfinder. Splat booked to death. To the point where systems became broken and very very expensive. IMHO 5e, so far, has finally found the right mix of quality vs quantity.

One splatbook per career, with three specializations, a slew of new and appropriate weapons and gear, and lots of GM advice and career-specific adventure hooks. It's nothing like 3.5.
your 3.5 experience must have been vastly different then mine. For your description matches 3.5 perfectly. YMMV

Then why don't you stop endorsing the FFG RPG System while we all enjoy it.

If you want the entire collection, you need to fork out the dough.

Smells like 3.5 D&D/Pathfinder. Splat booked to death. To the point where systems became broken and very very expensive. IMHO 5e, so far, has finally found the right mix of quality vs quantity.

Whereas I did find that D&D3.5 did break (but that was more issues with the game itself) from too much stuff (there were many feats and abilities which nullified earlier ones), I do not find that to be the case here. Each book seems to have been thought out nicely to be useful to both players and GMs. Adventures, admittedly, less so, but it is nice they are including things like new species and powers in order to expand on the game. And the powers to date do not seem to overwhelm other abilities or characters. So overall I like the direction FFG is taking their game.

It feels way too soon to cry out rules bloat for this book. A new species is always appreciated no matter what source it comes from. This can only be a good thing.

As for the new power, I think Lorne is right. It's probably just a Macguffin. At most, It might be a modular one-off purchasable that allows you to do something interesting with the Force, but I doubt it will be much more than that.