The Other Path

By mjgoins, in CoC Rules Discussion

The Other Path says:

Each player may place 1 success token on any story on which he has 2 or fewer success tokens.

I can't decide which of these is the correct interpretation of the above:

1) For each player, for each of the three stories in play, if player has 2 or fewer success tokens on that story, player may place one success token on that story. From zero to 3 total success tokens are placed.


2) For each player, the player chooses one story. If player has 2 or fewer success tokens on that story, player may place one success token on that story. (Either zero or one total success tokens).

My gut tells me it's the second interpretation. Googling, I haven't been able to find the answer.



Beginning with the active player, each player may choose one story where they have two or fewer success tokens, and then add just one success token on their side of that story (i.e. increasing from 0 to 1, from 1 to 2, or from 2 to 3 success tokens at the selected story).

Agreed. If you could put it on multiple stories it would say "each story" or similar.