Is it too late for new box art?

By debiant, in Fury of Dracula

I'm one who missed the boat on the last release and I'm pretty excited about this release but I must say I find the new box art really off putting. The campy Grandpa Munster Dracula on the cover just doesn't say Fury of Dracula to me. It says: "Let's have a Halloween Party."

Other than that, though, super excited to see this coming back into print.

Just as a follow up, not to belabor the point, this is probably the most talked about thing about the new edition.

It's gotten downright silly with people comparing the cover art to Count Chocula. It's worth the read if just for the funny pics.

Lol.. this is ALL I can think about now...

I loved the 2nd edition because of how close it seemed to mimic the time and style of the source material. Even the board itself seems to modern for my taste.

" Within, stood a tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white moustache, and clad in black from head to foot, without a single speck of colour about him anywhere."


You know, it's thematic consistency: the game's about vampires, and the cover... sucks :D

Hmmm, I like the new one better. Text is nicer. Bats make cool shapes. More polished painting.

While the box art is quality, the theme of the artwork on the box is not what I would expect for this game. It would be great to have the artwork of the 2nd edition available, or alternative box art for $10, however, at the same time, the board game boxes on my shelf keeps the dust off my games. When I invite people over to play games, I setup the game, and ditch the box on the shelf for the duration of the gaming experience. From the artwork on the cards I have seen, the game itself has some pretty hardcore vampire artwork which looks awesome!
