So we've played about 6 times now and I've played the Space Marines 4 times and the Eldar twice. We played with 4 players each time. It sure seems like the Chaos Space Marines are the best of the lot. Dread Ritual just seems broken. By turn three, you could be getting a 5 Materiel unit for free! That's almost as much as some people were producing. No one has an ability that's even close to this.
At first, I thought the fact that he had to purchase Cultists was a disadvantage, but you need guys to hold planets and they can jump through the warp to take adjacent systems that are uncontrolled.
Maybe it was the fact that I was playing the Space Marines (which some say is the weakest of the races), but it just seems like an extra 4+ build per turn is pretty powerful.
Has anyone else come to this conclusion?