This isn't to dispute that Lightsabers aren't the best melee weapon ever. But has anyone considered alternatives? Either to keep a low profile or out of personal preferance?
My character, Tobin Stryder, was a gunslinger long before he discovered the Sith tradition from a ruined lightsaber and a sith spirit. For the longest time in the allience he was the gadgeteer with a modified dueling pistol (for six shots instead of 1) and a Lightning Gun found in the ruins where he found the saber. After that gun was lost in a landslide in the defence of a revellion base, he switched to favour pistols as his primary weapon, relying on his quick draw and sniper shot to land impossible shots with the guidance of the force. After raiding Kathlos vault, his primary weapon is the dueling pistol he forged so long ago and a Nova Viper.
That being said, he has recieved basic training on using a lightsaber and has killed two inquistors and survived a third. As a fringer turned rebel fanatic he weilded a pair of them when advantagous to him, the fact that he is a genune rebel fanatic and a Sith in training makes for quite a interesting combination.