You are playing one of the co-ops released by FFG. There are monsters on the map.
It is time to draw an activation card and activate the monsters accordingly.
For our example, let's assume there is exactly 1 monster on the board (for simplicity sake, as it really won't matter for the question).
The activation card tells you to engage the closest hero, and attack the closest hero. Following the first instruction puts the monster exactly equidistant (adjacent) to two heroes. For this reason, attack the closest hero can apply to two different heroes.
Do you ...
1) Choose which hero to attack on your own, doing whatever is best for the heroes?
2) Choose which hero to attack by assigning some semblance of intelligence and logic to the automated OL, so that it attacks say a hero with more damage already on it, perhaps less armor, etc.
3) Choose a hero completely randomly?
Now, add a third "hero" that is adjacent, but in this case it is a familiar which is treated as a hero for purposes of the activation card.
4) Do you always choose the familiar (say the Reanimate) to take the attack, essentially using it as cannon fodder?
Assume for my question above that the monster has a single attack that in no way can affect multiple heroes.
I am curious how others play this. Since the rules allow you to activate any monster within a group first (assuming there is not split instructions for red (master) and white (minion) monsters), you have a significant amount of control over the end result of the attacks, which in turn can greatly impact how the co-op plays.
For instance, if there are three monsters on the map (all in the same group) but at slightly different distances from the hero(es) in question, engaging (moving) one before another can cause the rest to not have any possible attacks if done in the proper order. Do you do this to the benefit of your heroes, or do you once again do what is "logically" correct for the AI OL?
I will be curious to read the answers to the above from others.
Edited by any2cards