Adam France said:
I seriously doubt GW will support the 40K rpg series in any way ... other than to allow it to exist.
GW has an almost doctrinal dislike (seemingly) of rpgs, and has done for many years. The fact they wouldn't stock Dark Heresy in their shops even when they were publishing it was an insanely incomprehensible example of this imo. It was a game they produced and published (at that time), which had big crossover potential for their 40k tabletop players (and novel readers), but could they find a shelf for it in a dusty corner of their stores? Nooo ... 'we don't do rpgs', was the response I got at the time, followed by a surly, 'besides that game's not gonna work, 40k is a tabletop setting'. Okay that was just one counter-monkey's opinion, but it ain't unusual with GW in my experience.
It sure sounds like just another counter-monkey's opinion.
Besides your point is kind of invalid here, because many GW stores don't stock everything from their production line. If I were to go to my local stor I wouldn't be able to buy any Battlefleet Gothic miniatures, hardly any Inquisitor miniatures, nothing for Mordheim nor for Necromunda. Selections of Forge World books would also be severely limited. The same goes for black library litterature.
In fact, most GW stores primarily stock merchandise for Warhammer, Warhammer 40.000 and the Lord of the Rings gaming systems, along with citadel hobby material (glue, paints, brushes, undercoat, tools etc.) and nothing else.
So it's not a "dislike of rpgs" being the issue. Many individual stores just don't have the space to stock everything that GW produces or is affiliated with, and the fact that they don't even stock major portions of GW's own merchandise (BFG, Mordheim, Necromunda) only confirms this...