Combat Card Wording

By slowtravel, in Forbidden Stars

This came up my first game and I'd like to know what people think. Do combat card abilities reach to outside of the contested area?

The card Foul Worship says "If your opponnent has at least one routed unit, gain 1 [shield token] for each unrouted Cultist or Iconoclast."

Big question (and even bigger argument): Can the Chaos player gain a [shield token] if he/she has one routed unit not in the contest area? It doesn't specificially state (at least nowhere we could find, but it's our first game).

Daemonic Resilience says "Gain 4 [shield token] unless your opponent chooses and destroys 1 of his units." Does this mean he/she can choose a unit outside of the contested area and destroy it instead of the units inside the contested area?

Khorne's Rage says "Your opponent chooses and routs 1 of his units unless he spends 1 [shield dice]." Can the opponent choose to rout one of his/her units on another world or area instead of those fighting in the contested area?

Thank you so much for you help. It seems couter-intuitive, but this game has very specifiic wording and I was wondering if these cards were written this way on purpose.

The card text only refers to units that are involved in the combat unless specifically stated otherwise.

Edited by Wh0isTh3D0ct0r

Thanks for the quick answer Wh0isTh3D0ct0r.

We were all pretty sure about this, but I wanted to play devil's advocate.

Do you know where it says this explicitly in either the Rules Reference or Learn to Play booklets? I'd like to be able to point it out next time.

Pg. 5 of the Rules Reference:

"When a combat card refers to a unit, that unit must be in the

contested area unless specifically stated otherwise."