Hey guys, firstly new Forum member (long-running FFG fanboy)
I know that Talisman has a fairly dedicated site for all things homebrew in the form of http://www.talismanisland.com/?page_id=4888 , but i've yet to find the same anywhere for TI. I figured it might be nice to post all our homebrew modpacks in one succinct thread. what do you guys think?
for my part, this is my humble offering:
I've focused on removing much of the luck-based aspects from the game (I tend to favour skill over luck in games these days) and I've added my own homebrew secret objectives with new graphics (all my own, all free, no licensing issues on that front) which make the game shorter. We finished a 5 player game in 8 hours with this:
here's a teaser if you don't have a bgg account! Thoughts and feedback welcome!