I'm thinking about picking up Conquest, and I'd love to get a demo and find some opponents.
Any players in NJ?
Hi- I am in central New Jersey. I play at The Gamers Realm in West Windsor it is on Route 130.
I am usually there on Wednesday and Saturday's. Let me know if you want to come down for a demo.
I'm in New Brunswick so that would be doable for me. I wasn't really thinking when I posted last night because I am going out of town until the second week of August, but I'd love to set something up for later in Aug.
I'm in New Brunswick so that would be doable for me. I wasn't really thinking when I posted last night because I am going out of town until the second week of August, but I'd love to set something up for later in Aug.
sure- just drop me a line when you get back and have some time.
You can reach me at labartels2000@yahoo,com
Highlander Comics and Games has a bunch of players as well, its in Boonton.
Would be happy to get a couple games in.
Copying / pasting from another thread in case you didn't see:
Anyone in the northern NJ (Boonton) area looking to play in a 3-month-long Conquest league (1 per month), look no further than here for additional information:
But to summarize, planned meetings are:
Thurs 9/10 - 7 pm
Thurs 10/8 - 7 pm
Thurs 11/12 - 7 pm
Each night will be a standalone tournament with point scoring (details on event page) carrying over throughout league.
I'm only here to publicize, so for clarification or specific questions, I'd contact the store directly.