looking for a list of all the 5 pointed promo characters

By flamingcowpie, in UFS General Discussion

Alright, for the past hour or so, i have been searching for a list with all of the current 5 pointed character promos, with no luck. I was hoping that someone here could either post a complete list of the 5 pointed promo characters and there abilities or provide a link to where i might be able to find said list.

Not sure it's complete, but:


Bryan Fury

Heihachi Mishima

Jin Kazama

Steve Fox



white Crane


Jonathon Herr


Omar Chavez

James Hata..

^ All those listed above are all the currently legal ones I believe. There are also a few that have been leaked but I don't think they're legal yet... those would be Kisheri, Kyoufu and Marius Gaius.

Kisheri's legal. She was released at UK Nats.

Happy Birthday ShadowDragon thanks for all the scans you've done

Hm... that means I should try to get my hands on a Kisheri soon. I had forgotten they were given out at UK Nats.

Laguna- Thank you!