In a normal RTL-campaign, there is not much alternation on the Terrinoth-map: Lieutenants marching around from one city to the next, heroes marching around from one dungeon to the next.
Why should it not be possible to raise some buildings on the map? These should be some structures that include strategic expansions.
In this topic, I want to suggest two types of buildings that can be used in every RTL-campaign.
I hope you like my ideas – and I hope that you will design and post your own buildings. Let them raise!
(Perhaps, one day, there will be a list of a variety of buildings that can be built either by the heroes or by the overlord. Imagine a map filled with strategic castles, mills and outposts…)
Here are my first two buildings: The overlord’s fortress and the heroes’ mine:
Fortress (overlord building):
Cost: 15 EXP
Instead of buying an overlord upgrade, a fortress can be placed on any dungeon on the map which is at least three trails away from the party location and from the next fortress. If that dungeon has been visited before, it can be re-entered now.
A fortress cannot be placed on a rumours location and a rumour cannot be placed on a fortresses location.
1) Heroes can`t walk through a fortress. They may walk onto a fortresses location to enter it, but they cannot cross the field occupied by a fortress.
2) Every encounter-colour up to two trails away gets increased to the next-higher rate (green to orange, orange to red).
3) In every dungeon or lieutenant-encounter up to two trails away, every treachery rate (traps, events and monsters) is increased by one. In this way, the overlords treachery-maximum can be exceeded.
4) The defense-rate of every city or heroes-building up to two trails away is decreased by 1.
Destroying a fortress:
The heroes can enter a fortress-location to destroy that building. In this case, play a usual dungeon but remember that the treachery-amount is increased by 1 for every type.
To destroy the fortress, the heroes have to complete all (!) dungeon levels. The leader of the final dungeon-level gets + 1 armor and + 1 boost to his power dice.
If the heroes destroy a fortress, they gain 3 additional conquest. Discard the fortress to the graveyard.
If the heroes flee from the fortress, it doesn`t get destroyed and it can be re-entered.
There are three fortresses in play.
Mine (hero building)
Cost: 8 EXP (every hero has to pay these EXP)
Playable after a dungeon has been completed. (Note that all (!) levels must have been completed. Visiting a dungeon is not enough.)
Place a mine-token on the dungeons location. As long as the mine is in play, the heroes gain 100 extra-gold per week.
Mines can be attacked by lieutenants as cities. The defense rate of a mine is 2.
The overlord gains once three conquest for razing a mine. Having been razed, the mine-token gets discarded to the graveyard.
There are three mines in play.