Bulging Biceps.

By ExoSaeptus, in Only War Rules Questions

Does this talent apply to heavy weapons that do not fire semi or full-auto? Like the Heavy Flamer, the Plasma Cannon, and the Multi-Melta? RAW seems to imply it doesn't:

Whereas a weaker man might be sent flying by the recoil of a heavy weapon, this character’s strong physique allows him to remain standing. The character can fire heavy weapons using Semi-Auto Burst or Full Auto Burst without bracing, and he does not suffer the –30 penalty for failing to brace.

I think the idea is that you don't have to brace when firing heavy weapons.

I think the idea is that you don't have to brace when firing heavy weapons.

That is what I assumed as well, although it is very strange to see the rule limited to Burst and Autofire weapons. I mean, someone must have inserted that there intentionally, right?

It's ... weird, certainly. Someone who can fire a heavy bolter in full auto, but as soon as you hand them a multimelta they're like "whoooaaaaaa" and the stream will go all over the place.

Personally, I'd probably just disregard that limitation.

Edited by Lynata

Single shot heavy weapons can fire without being braced anyway, but with a -30 penalty for not bracing. Heavy weapons cannot be fired semi-auto or full auto without bracing - period. The Bulging Biceps talent removes both of these concerns entirely.

Good point. I guess I allowed my interpretation to get pigeonholed by Bulging Biceps mentioning only Burst and FA weapons, though when viewed in context with the Heavy Weapon special rules, the second part of the sentence clearly seems intended as a standalone (and thus referring to the unmentioned Single Shot Heavy Weapons) rather than an adjunct to the first.

Edited by Lynata

I see.

Actually, I've heard that this is a "copy-paste" error from Dark Heresy. In DH you couldn't fire semi-auto or auto without bracing, but (apparently) this is not the case in OW. I've looked and I can't see where in OW it says you have to brace for semi/full auto... If someone can find the page ref for the rule that says you do - that would be awesome. Otherwise, I'd probably say the removing the -30 penalty on Heavy Weapon for not being braced is a good fit.

Only War Core Rulebook, Page 168; "Weapons". The section on "Class". Paragraph 4 on Heavy Weapons.

I've looked and I can't see where in OW it says you have to brace for semi/full auto...

Core Rulebook, page 168.