Heal/Harm Force Power Help

By emmjay, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

A question on force powers. I have a group going and we have a player joining who is a Jedi using the beta rules for Force and Destiny (which I don't have). As a Jedi he has picked up the Heal/Harm basic power to augment his other healing career. Not having much force usage in my campaign up to this point, I don't have a firm grasp of its usage.

According to the PC, he can basically use the Heal power continuously until the target is fully healed up, and in practical terms after a fight all NPC's are fully healed up with no issues. Is he right? Wrong? How can I stop this from becoming to powerful a power?

Assistance would be appreciated.

I don't think it says anything specifically in the text, but I'd rule that it was limited to once per character per encounter, just like using Medicine to heal someone. I'd let it stack with Medicine (one healing check via medpack and one through the Force) but I wouldn't allow spamming Heal until everyone was healed. That's the province of the bacta tank.

That's not how the heal peer works.

If successfully activated, he heals Int wounds on the target, and each use of the Heal power counts as a medpac use. This means that no more than 5 total heal and/or medpacs or day per patient.


The power, as written in the beta:

" The user may spend [Force point] to remove a number of wounds equal to his Intellect from an engaged living creature, including himself. This counts as a use of a stimpack on the affected target (see page 161). This means a single target may only benefit from five uses of Heal over a 24-hour period, and his uses of Heal also count toward the limit on uses of stimpacks (and vice versa). This may be only activated once. "

Upgrades can add your Medicine ranks to the wounds removed, cure critical hits, also remove strain, and more. I'd recommend reading the power to make sure you both understand what it can and cannot do—because it seems your player might be confusing it with healing powers from older SWRPG games.


Every application you receive consumes one of your 5 Healing Surges per day.

Every application you receive consumes one of your 5 Healing Surges per day.

But what if I have a 16 Con? Don't I get more healing surges? :P


Hey, don't laugh -- Healing Surge is a better name than Medpac Usage the same way that Frogger is a better name than Highway Crossing Frog .

The power, as written in the beta:

" The user may spend [Force point] to remove a number of wounds equal to his Intellect from an engaged living creature, including himself. This counts as a use of a stimpack on the affected target (see page 161). This means a single target may only benefit from five uses of Heal over a 24-hour period, and his uses of Heal also count toward the limit on uses of stimpacks (and vice versa). This may be only activated once. "

Upgrades can add your Medicine ranks to the wounds removed, cure critical hits, also remove strain, and more. I'd recommend reading the power to make sure you both understand what it can and cannot do—because it seems your player might be confusing it with healing powers from older SWRPG games.


Right, stimpack use. I missed that one. I don't have any Force-using players yet so I haven't studied the Force power all that closely yet.

Happened to me as well, until I realised. Be careful with reading only the boxes in the Spec Trees, not everything is in there :P

Happened to me as well, until I realised. Be careful with reading only the boxes in the Spec Trees, not everything is in there :P

Pretty much can be said with talents and skills as well.

The tables just give a brief synopsis of what the talent/power/upgrade does, enough to serve as a quick reference. I'm sure many of the long-timers around the Star Wars portion of the boards have seen questions that were answered with some variation of "go read the full description instead of relying on the summary."