3 Questions

By Dsbessie, in Rules questions & answers

1. If I declare Gondorian Spearman the defender and use his response of 1 damage to the attacking enemy which in this case kills it does the shadow card get discarded without reveal?

2. Can I play allies onto another player?

3. Can I play swift strike when another player declares a character as a defender to attack that players attacking enemy?


1 - Simply... Yes... By killing the enemy before the phase where you reveal shadow cards, that shadow card isn't revealed.

2 - No... You can't play an ally and give him to other player.... (have seen rule on that but can't find it now)

3 - Not sure... I think that to be able to use this event, the defending character must be controlled by the player who plays the event.

You can use swift strike when someone else is defending. It just says "after a character is declared as a defender..." Some other cards (like Quick Strike, for example) include "a character you control..." or something like that.

Edited by Teamjimby

Thanks guys. I did find the answer to question 2 in the rule book after re reading it.