So I've been playing the OL so far in Vanilla Descent. Just threw in the WoD expansion which made being the overlord a little more bearable. We're on Quest 3.
1.) We had a discussion about the red door in Area 3/4. When you kill all the Naga's, the text reads "The door to the south grinds open". This door is a red rune door, however, it opens automatically and without a key. Is it a red rune door just to represent that there's an impassible barrier until the heroes complete a quest, or is it an actual rune door after it opens? Can the heroes close it? If so, can unnamed monsters reopen it because it's just a regular door after it opens?
2.) Also the skill Wind Pact allows the player to look at the overlords cards, then force him to discard one after opening a door. The player with it actually takes the cards and lays them out in front and converses with the other players. Is this legal? Because it really bites.