I see Vadar's weakness is more psychological. He is in constant turmoil over the loss of his love, potential kids, and for what....too take orders from a guy who is always ready to replace him. He is not right in the head. Where Palpatine and Luke are 100% motivated by their own causes and completely in control. He is constantly in pain and thinking about the losses and the "What Ifs"
I think this is overall approach that was starting to be taken before the canon reset.
Not sure where it was, but I recall reading that Palpatine felt this was ultimately the case with Vader, that any limitations on his power were purely psychological in nature, with his extreme self-loathing over choices made and their outcomes being a major factor. Like you said, Palps and Luke (at least by RotJ) really don't have this extreme degree of internal conflict and are able to purely focus on who they are and what they need to do. When Vader gets pissed off enough to really focus his anger on someone or something, he's a force to reckon with because he's no longer being held back by his doubts and self-loathing. That's probably why he's so scary in Rebels because he's focused; having those walkers dropped on him didn't so much hurt him and get Vader mad, and an angry Sith Lord is a terrifying sight indeed. We never saw that kind of raw power in his confrontations with Luke because Vader was indeed struggling with his internal conflict, and thus not able to properly focus his power the way he'd probably be able to do against any other Jedi opponent.