Okay, so I probably should know this, but I'm not certain. One of the biggest things my friend-pool had against this game line was the "no Jedi" thing the other two lines established, and while I admit I appreciate them taking the time to make the GAME work, before weighing it down with the extra oomph that is the Force (I DO know Edge and Age have it, but it's sort of a side bit, in my opinion), and the Jedi who are inherently better than everybody else, because they are just like everybody else, PLUS they have the Force, I was on the boat with them, at first. Now, F&D finally comes along, and gives us the remnants of the Jedi the setting they intend would have, and I have a problem. My friends, as said, are Jedi fans, and want to have the Force, but the game does a nice job of trying to say "NO, you WON'T render all of the non-FUser characters moot!", and starts you with a whopping 1 Force Rating, or NONE, if you are playing the other lines. So, you want to use your powers, because you spent the XP to buy them, and you only roll one die, and this one die, be it the app on your phone, or the die in your hand, keeps rolling dark side/black pip. On the one hand, I actually like this, because the only reason I've ever really seen in any other Star Wars game to "walk the line of the Dark Path" is to be a ******, and ham up the game with your BS shenanigans, while this game actually gives you a bit of a reason to chance the Dark Side; the **** dice like to roll black pips, even though there's as much white on it, and more 2 white pip sides than 2 black pip sides. If you are playing a character who intends to use their Force powers, though, what's the plan, now?
The main question: With the beta for Force & Destiny, plus the errata and any previews, what all goes into changing a black pip white, so my Force user can spend it to activate a power? I think there's Strain, something with Destiny flips, and I don't really know.
I get not wanting to let the thing that always took over in SW games take over, but if it doesn't work, that's worse, because this is SW, and three times out of four, not getting any white pips when it really counts seems to smack of worse. Yoda might have FR 5, and he can still roll BP, BP, 2BP, BP, WP, making his power maybe work, but maybe not to the degree he needed it to, for what "Yoda" would be doing. As far as I know, there are not abilities to change pips, nor saving them for later; the talents occasionally use them, but none of the talents seem to effect the Force dice, or their results. Now, I'm not saying it doesn't work, just asking how does it, so I can assuage their worries, and maybe get to run a game of this. If you have it in you to do an example, that would help, so I get the Destiny thing, strain, and whatever their "Dark Side points" are being called (Morality?); I'm not with my books, right now, so I'm kind of butchering this stuff, sorry. Thanks in advance for any assistance.