1. can I spend multiple fatigue to gain several movement points, as to not trigger pit trap, instead of spend 1 move 1?
2. where does it say that heroes can give each other equipment as an action if adjacent?
1. can I spend multiple fatigue to gain several movement points, as to not trigger pit trap, instead of spend 1 move 1?
2. where does it say that heroes can give each other equipment as an action if adjacent?
1. Yes. Suffering a fatigue to gain a movement point gives you the point, but you don't have to immediately spend it. So, you could suffer 1 to gain 1, and then before moving anywhere suffer another to gain another (as many as you want.) However, you cannot suffer fatigue to gain movement IN RESPONSE to pit trap. Once the card is played (once you've entered the new space,) you have to go off of how many MP you have.
2. It doesn't say that. On page 15 it says that heroes who are adjacent to each other during a move action may trade items and search cards freely- no additional actions required. However, you must be in the middle of a move action.
Edited by Zaltyre1. Yes, you can spend any amount of fatigue at any point of your turn, and spend those MP on any other point, and none of those triggers (suffer fatigue, and us MP) needs to be simoultaneous. Example:
-Start of turn. Suffer 2 fatigue to gain 2 MP.
-Search action.
-Spend 1 movement point.
-Attack action.
-Suffer 1 more fatigue to gain another MP.
-Non-action skill.
-Spend the 2 remaining MP's.
2. It says nowhere. You can trade items during a movement action , but the trading itself cost nothing.
EDIT: ****....
Edited by AndrewMMHa- sorry, was lookin right at it.