I am working on an updated character sheet right now. I was wondering if people here had some input to a new sheet, what's missing from the original one and what do you think would be awsome to have on a character sheet?
I am working on an updated character sheet right now. I was wondering if people here had some input to a new sheet, what's missing from the original one and what do you think would be awsome to have on a character sheet?
I'm quite honestly fairly satisfied with the sheet for the most part. My primary gripes are more technical; I would like to see text shrink to a smaller font, rather than being cut off, if exceeding the size of the input field. Maybe a dedicated area for cybernetics. The sheet could be more printer-friendly as well, though that's a rather minor gripe as far as I am concerned.
There was a really good bare-bones character sheet posted on this forum last year, I believe. I would check it out, my table has been using it for a long time and we really like it. No graphics, no color, just very printer friendly.
Honestly, I'd just like one that's easier to find. A lot of the old ones on the forums here aren't hosted anymore. Took me a while to find a good printable character sheet.
I would like to see what you come up with as some of my players struggle with finding things still.
I would like a section to record honours etc.