Question about the "Create Being" in Creation Path.

By Genesis Garland, in Anima Rules Questions

In the core book it states that the created being cannot exceed the casters own level and that multiple creatures means they all lose a level per each additional creature created.

However in the Core Exxet translations that people have been doing. All it says is the levels that are created. Meaning there is no longer customizable levels of DP it is Either a lv 1,5,9, or 12 being.

My question is, is there a translation that shows that a creature will automatically be lowered to the casters level in the core exxet? The rules for additional creatures in the core exxet, and if for example, it is indeed forced down levels, will that mean the spell will cost a little less Zeon?

Because it seems rather ridiculous to cast the spell for the same amount for a reduced effect.

You have three things that limit the level of your creature:

1: The level you cast the spell

2: The level of your wizard

3: The number of creatures that are so created

So, yes every time you cast the spell the creatures you create are weaker, but there are more of them