Hi. I've got question about resolving "forced" effects from quest cards. Suppose that I "stay" in stage 1B. At the end of the round, I have "forced" effect to advance to stage 2A. After I resolve "when revealed" in 2A, I proceed to 2B. And my question is: Do I have to resolve "forced" effect of 2B in this round (still first round) or not? Thanks for your help.
Helm's Deep
My opinion is no. All effects that trigger at the end of the round should trigger simultaneously.
Edited by Ecthelion IIII don't think you have to resolve it.
There is a parallel question here about the transition from stage 2 to 3, with an official ruling. Stage 3 has the text "After resolving the quest, if the encounter deck did not place at least 1 progress on this stage as the result of questing, the first player reveals 1 encounter card." The official ruling was that you do not have to trigger the stage 3 forced effect when you arrive at stage 3 after quest resolution. Stage 2 looks to be much the same. The stage is revealed after the trigger has gone off, so when you reveal stage 2 it's too late (?) to trigger the forced effect.
Although, just to make it more confusing, you CAN resolve a player card Response even if it was not in your hand when the triggering event occurred (you can play Foe-hammer after destroying an enemy and draw 3 cards, and if you draw another copy of Foe-hammer, you can play it immediately so long as you have another weapon to exhaust).
I have an official answer from Caleb at this question:
,,No. You should not trigger the end of round Forced effect on stage 2B unless you began the round at stage 2B."
Thank you very much for your help.