Familiar Bond Power and Saurian Carnosaur

By Rese, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

In Radicals book 149 page there is psychic power

Familiar Bond
Threshold: 10
Focus Time: Full Action
Sustained: No
Range: Touch
Typically used by wyrds, witches, or other unsanctioned psykers, you can create a mental bond with an animal that enables you to work in concert with the beast, which also acts as a Psy-Focus as detailed on page 151 of the dark heresy rulebook. The familiar acts on the same turn as its master, but unlike Cyber or Psyber familiars, it can act of its own accord, utilizing its innate intelligence and abilities. The death of a familiar can be quite traumatic for the psyker, causing a –10 penalty to all tests for 1d5 hours after the demise. A psyker may only have a bond with one creature at a time.

as I understand, you can bond with any size animal/beast like eagle, rat, horse, Feliraptor, Grox, Cerapede or even Saurian Carnosaur (as long as you can touch it and not be eaten). It really says that it must be animal/beast and no size restriction. After that, you are a master of this new pet as it is written. Then you can use Wrangling skill to train it.

For example I would like to bond with Saurian Carnosaur because it is nearby. However, I would like to know how it would react after the power use. It seems it should act on its own, but still I am his master. Would he eat me still? how hard it would be to command him? or restrict from eating my fellow acolytes or other? Of caurse I understand that it would be hard to travel with it, because no city would allow it, I it needs to eat.

I expect there would be a certain level of Telepathic domination of the creature, meaning the "owner" would be able to exert some level of control over the creature. However, maybe a carnosaur, with such a basic brain might be more difficult to control than mammals or more evolved creatures ... ?

Personally, my GM rules that the more inherently aggressive a creature, the harder it is to keep under control.

As a side note, it might be difficult to be subtle with a Saurion Carnosaur following your character around.

So, What mechanics I should use to control it? Use wrangling or Command to stop to eat friends?

Can I role-play him myself?

Edited by Rese