Tekken Forces

By Shaneth, in UFS General Discussion


I dunno about you guys, but I think this card is MAD good.

Nightmare absolutely loves it.

Shaneth said:


I dunno about you guys, but I think this card is MAD good.

Its basically super Float LIke a Butterfly in Death. Its just for cards like intimidating presence too imho. Very solid.

Yeah, Death can abuse that with stuff like Intimidating Presence and Unstoppable Warrior.

I liek it.

Shaneth said:

Yeah, Death can abuse that with stuff like Intimidating Presence and Unstoppable Warrior.

I liek it.

And combined with G-Corp, it's a very roundabout way to draw lol

seems like it takes too long to draw with g-corp

All I know is, when Tekken Forces and Unstoppable Warrior hit the table Kazuya tends to nuke the staging area. :)

Hayamachop said:

seems like it takes too long to draw with g-corp

Tekken Forces' F, play attack, use Unstoppable/Intimidating by blowing up a Tekken Forces-generated foundation, trigger G-Corp to add it to hand instead.

Whenever I read about that combo, it totally reminds me of Holy Diver by Dio. It's so good.

TripsEX said:

Whenever I read about that combo, it totally reminds me of Holy Diver by Dio. It's so good.

Kazuya was actually Dio's touring bassist.

Before he became the Devil and hit it big... Kazuya not Dio.

One of Ragnar's rares likes it as well.

Pop one of the blanks created by Tekken Forces, get +4 damage. Kicked my poor little ass **** hard :'(

Padma loves this card as well. If for whatever reason the opponent has more foundations out (probably because Padma already threw a couple foundations at them), she can just generate more with Tekken Forces (and she can blow up the remaining one with Intimidating or something).