Nature's Ire co-op, "Consuming Falls"

By rhinor8, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

For owners of the Nature's Ire co-op, what do you think - is it a fair tactic to kill all of the goblins, thereby stopping movement of the sacks towards the falls in each enemy phase? The flavour text indicates that the goblins are hauling the sacks into the no goblin haulers, no movement of sacks into the falls?

It might help the situation, for heroes who have poor attribute scores and struggle with successfully opening sacks.

Despite the flavor text, that is not how the encounter card works. Even if there are no goblins on the map, the tokens are all still moved each Overlord phase.

Thanks Zaltyre. I just realised that I have been ripping myself off a turn also, counting the sacks as gone once they hit the falls-illustrated row. On reflection, it should be once the sacks "exit" the tile (perhaps backed up by the fact that the goblins are set up on the falls-illustrated row and do not go over the falls - shame :) ).

The sacks are gone when they enter a water space according to the card. So the way I read it the first two sacks will dissapear after they move a second time, after three OL-turns all the sacks are gone. So they do dissapear when they reach the first of the falls-illustrated rows.

So here the heroes really have to rush to win this encounter, and have some luck with their skill checks.

k7e9, you are correct - my mistake.

Rather then create a new topic, I'm going to ask my questions about Nature's Ire here. Just refer this as the official Q and A.

Exploration card is the Rocky Path. Now it says that a failed attribute test moves you to the previous space you moved from. A few questions on that.

1) What if you moved from a space already containing a figure?

2) If you moved to second square on the Path and you fail, do you test the attribute again when your figure returns to the previous spot on the Rocky Path? If not where do they go?

I am wondering if this effect can endlessly chain.

Edited by Omnislash024