High Cost Cards

By player673924, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

Is it worth having a couple high cost cards (4+) in a deck? or better to stick with a lot of lower cost cards?

With Shub I see the potential to have higher cost cards as there are a few cost lowering cards, but in the few games I have played getting up to 4 cards in a domain is not an easy task at all.



We too find it a little bit hard to play the high cost characters, except Shub, so most of the time we stick to 3- cards.

Except for Shub wich has a character cost reducer and hand and discard pile recurring or when playing Investigators with Anthropoloy Advisor, all other characters in my deck are maximum 3 cost.


You need to have a very good reason to play cost 4+ characters.

example of such characters - deep one rising, ravager from the deep, Yig, pulp writer, black spawn from below ( in monodeck, in 2 factions deck it costs 3). displaced cthonian, ghoul khanum (OK, she always gets out turn 1-2, without paying her actual cost, but just for the sake of things...), Y'golanac etc.

Simply look for cards that will make your strategy more consistent and stronger, then try to think - how fast will you be able tp play any given card. what cost reducrs do you have? how many reducers? how many 1-2 cost characters to play first and hold the table?

like 1 turn demon lover or long dead prince, then byakhee servant, then pulp writer (as an example).

hope that helps :)

Thanks, that's the way I would want to create decks, as nice as some of the high cost cards are, you would have lost the game before you had enough resources to play the card!

