So, I hadn't painted a mini for about 20 years; I used to do a bit of Blood Bowl, 40K, and Man O War. Then IA came out of nowhere; I didn't realise people had been working on plastic minis like they were for the cure for cancer; they're so much better than the plastic sprues you used to get back in my day (yeah, get off my lawn).
Not wanting to fall back into Games-Workshop-mortgage, I grabbed a Vallejo game colour starter set, another set of metallics and a third of washes. Plus Liquitex gesso for priming, and their matt and high gloss varnishes for finishing, and I got to work.
Now, my wife just gave birth to our first child, so I may have to accept that I won't be doing much (any?) more painting. The Trandoshans are sitting primed but I don't have the energy or time. So I thought I'd present my paintjob as it stands.
Tip of the hat, of course, to Sorastro; I didn't really follow his guides but they were inspirational. I have not developed the patience necessary to properly thin paints and do multiple passes, so most of what you see here is one base coat, a shade, a highlight, and then some detail work. They look good on the table, is the main thing.
Stormies: very pleased with these guys even if they suffered a bit for my impatience.
Probes and E-Webs: these were the first pieces I painted, and it shows
Guards and Champion: Vallejo's Red is actually not a great colour; should have waited until I'd bought their Scarlet or maybe dipped into Citadel for this. Goes again for Vader's saber.
Vader and officers: meh.
Weiss and AT-ST: I hate Weiss peeking out the top so I went for the porthole cover. I painted him first and decided I'd gone too low-contrast, so the regular AT-ST pops a bit more.
The lesser heroes, at least as far as their paint jobs go:
These guys I'm much more pleased with:
The real heroes: Han and Chewie are such great sculpts; super easy to make them look good.