You Build the Character #7: The Inquisitor

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Grrrreetings, and welcome back to You Build the Character! This is the seventh installment of the regular competition in which FFG community members can compete to build their versions of famous characters from the STAR WARS universe. The winner is decided by popular vote, and will receive all the honor and glory that comes with peer approval! The winning build will also be eternally enshrined in the YBtC Hall of Fame .

This month's challenge is to build the best version of the evil Jedi hunter, the Inquisitor as a Player Character (PC) or a Nemesis (NPC).


The following rules apply to your submissions:

1. You may use as much XP as you like to build The Inquistor as a PC (or to Develop your Nemesis, if using the rules found in the EotE GM Kit), but attempts to be both thematic and reasonable are highly encouraged. The Inquisitor is a Pau’an, and (as a PC) starts with 100 XP. You can grant him any amount of additional XP as "earned XP” to be spent on talents, skills, and specializations.

2a. If building a PC: All builds MUST adhere to the Rules As Written (RAW) for Player Character creation (Steps 1 - 9) and advancement, with the exception of the species stats, found below (so no skipping talents in trees, no other homebrewed rules). Ignore Step 10 of character creation. (However, you may include the Inquisitor’s TIE Advanced starfighter in your builds, at your discretion, as a substitute for Step 10)

2b. If building a PC: The Inquisitor is a Pau’an, and since there are no official stats provided by FFG, we will be using some stats put together by our own mouthymerc , in cooperation with Donovan Morningfire and Jegergryte :
Species Abilities

Brawn 1
Agility 2
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Willpower 3
Presence 2

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 100 XP
Special Abilities: Pau'ans begin the game with one rank in Coercion or Negotiation. They still may not train Coercion or Negotiation above rank 2 during character creation. They also start with one rank in the Commanding Presence talent.

These stats are unnecessary if building a Nemesis, but can be used for inspiration.

3. All FFG-published material for the Star Wars RPG is fair game for creating and/or advancing your character: Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and the Force and Destiny Beta (using the latest errata available), including any supplements or other officially published material from these lines, may be used.

4. Your build(s) may come complete with any vehicles, gear, and other equipment. Re-skin as desired. If you can't find a suitable stats in your collection of rulebooks for a specific piece of equipment (or vehicle), you are free to create your own stats for it.

5. If you have previously published or posted an original stat block for this character, you may use that version in this competition. Including a picture with your build is encouraged!

6. All entries must include a full stat block, which should be presented in a fashion similar to the stat blocks found in official material, and should contain a minimum of the following:

Character Name/Title, Species & Career*

Any Specialization(s)

Background text

Duty, Morality, and/or Obligation score*

Characteristics (Brawn, Agility, etc)

Soak, Wound Threshold, Strain Threshold, Defense

Skill Ranks




*Careers and Duty/Morality/Obligation are PC-only traits

7. If creating a Nemesis, there are rules for building "an inquisitor" on page 235 of the Force and Destiny Beta. You may follow Steps 1-7 of this Nemesis-building process, if you wish. This is entirely optional, but is a valid approach.

8am PST on Sunday, July 26th

the winner will be determined by popular vote at 12am PST on August 1st (8am GMT).

Edited for spoilers. Edited by awayputurwpn

Should this not have waited until the rules have actually been published? I know some people bought the beta when it was available but others of us are still waiting on what we need for Force characters.

Should this not have waited until the rules have actually been published? I know some people bought the beta when it was available but others of us are still waiting on what we need for Force characters.

Oh, I've got something in the can for when the core rules are published. But for now I figured plenty of people have purchased the Beta (or illegally downloaded it...tsk...) and have access to lots of Force-y goodness.

And if you don't have the FaD Beta, well, it's a simple enough matter to build any Nemesis really! Which reminds me, I need to edit the rules just slightly...rule #4 should allow for custom equipment to be created.

The Inquisitor


Hired Gun

Marauder - Scholar - Force Sensitive Exile


43 years old

2 meters in height

Yellow eyes

Grey skin with red tattoos

I have built the Inquisitor to have been an expert fighter that has a fairly strong connection to the force but was not strong enough to have been trained as a Jedi-Sith nor was he allowed to.

In fact, for most of his younger years The Inquisitor had no idea he was force sensitive and only found out in his late teens that he was not as everyone else. As a melee based hunter the Inquisitor was responsible for bringing in the raw meat that was sold by his employer.

Eventually he was expelled from his employment and livelyhood for being a force user when he performed telekynises while he thought no one was looking.
Having heared tales of force sensitives sometimes being taken in by the empire to hunt down Jedi he decided to continue his hunter past in a new more exciting type of hunt. He pledged allegiance to the Emperor and knelt before Darth Vader. He was brought to the ancient Jedi Temple where he studied the records and became quite the scholar on everything to do with the force and he especially concerned himself with the outer rim. He figured quickly that this part of space would be the best place for Jedi in hidding to keep away from imperial eyes.
During the years he spent studying he was allowed to develop certain force powers, however these were developed in an extremely controled environment as the Emperor was very careful not to have his inquisitors be full fledged force users.

This led to the inquisitor being somewhat proficient in certain very basic force powers and quite a good fighter with a light saber, eventhough this had mostly to do with him already being very proficient with melee weapons.

His automated spin saber is somewhat of a give-away of him not being a fully trained Jedi/Sith, yet not many dared to be on the receiving end of it.

Obligation :

Oath 15

Characteristics :

Br 4

Ag 2

Int 3

Cun 3

Will 3

Pr 2

Soak, 6

Wound Threshold 17

Strain Threshold 14

Force Rating 2

Skill Ranks

Athletics 2

Coercion 3

Discipline 2

Perception 2

Piloting Space 2 (Non-career)

Resilience 2

Survival 1

Vigilance 1

Brawl 1

Gunnery 1 (non-career)

Melee 2

Light Saber 1

Knowledge Education 1 (non-career)

Knowledge Outer Rim 2

Knowledge Underworld 1



Commanding Presence

Toughened 2

Feral Strength

Heroic fortitude





Force Sensitive Exile

Uncanny Senses 2

Convincing demeanor

Sense Danger

Street Smarts

Sense Emotions

Overwhelm Emotions

Force rating

Dedication (Brawn)

Uncanny Reactions


Sense Basic Power

Influence Basic Power - Magnitude 1 - Control

Move Basic Power - Strength 2 - Magnitude 1 - Range 1 - Control

Automated spinning dual-wield light saber

Black laminate armor

Edited by DanteRotterdam

The Inquisitor


Player : Jason Isaacs

Species : Pau’an

Career : Seeker

Specialization(s) : Ataru Striker

Obligation : Dutybound - 20 [used 10 extra to gain +10XP)

Brawn : 1

Agility : 3

Intellect : 2

Cunning : 3

Willpower : 3

Presence : 2

Wound Threshold : 11 Strain Threshold : 13 M/R Defense : 0/0

Soak : 3

Force Rating : 1

Trained Skills : Coercion (Will) 1, Cool (Pr) 1, Lightsaber (Ag) 2, Perception (Cun) 1, Piloting (Space) (Ag) 1, Stealth (Ag) 1, Vigilance (Will) 2


Ataru Technique - When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Agility instead of Brawn.

Jump Up - Once per round on the cahracter's turn the character may stand up from prone or a seated position as an Incidental.

Parry x2 - When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.

Quick Draw - Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental.

Reflect x2 - When hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in reflect.

Saber Swarm - Perform the Saber Swarm maneuver; suffer 1 strain and next Lightsaber (Agility) combat check this turn gains Linked quality equal to Force rating during check.

Saber Throw - Perform Saber Throw action; make Lightsaber combat check as ranged attack at target within medium range , adding [FORCE] no greater than Force Rating. Must spend [FP] and succeed to hit target; Spend [FP][FP] to have weapon return to hand

Force Powers

Move (Basic)

Enhance (Basic), Control : Coordination, Control: Piloting-Planetary, Control: Piloting Space, Control - Agility

Sense (Basic), Control: Upgrade Difficulty


Padded Armor (+2 soak)

Inquisitor’s Lightsaber – Inquisitor Lightsaber hilt (see below)

Inquisitor Lightsaber hilt: 3 Hardpoints, As a maneuver, the wielder may switch to 1 of 3 modes.

  • Mode 1 - single lightsaber: Lightsaber (Agility); Damage: 6, Crit 2; Breach 1, Sunder
  • Mode 2 - Double-bladed Lightsaber: Lightsaber (Agility); Damage: 6, Crit 2; Breach 1, Linked 1, Sunder, Unwieldy 3
  • Mode 3 - Double-bladed Rotation : Lightsaber (Agility); Damage: 6, Crit 2; Breach 1, Linked 2, Sunder, Unwieldy 4, Boost die to coercion when used scare or intimidate a foe.

Designer Notes

Since DanteRotterdam made an excellent version of the Inquisitor, I instead focused on a character a PC could play right away using Knight level play rules (He might have done the same, I didn't calculate his XP spent. If he did, he did an excellent job). He’s pretty light on skills and could use a few more ranks in coercion and Knowledge (Lore), but he does have everything he needs to be a fearsome adversary for any unwitting NPC Jedi he’s hunting down.

Depending on the foe he is facing in combat, he has one of 2 strategies. If facing a master Jedi, he commits his single Force Die to the defensive upgrade of Sense power to compensate for his poor soak and lack of defensive armor. If facing a padawan or youngling, he’ll overwhelm them by committing his Force die to the Agility upgrade of Enhance, and switch his lightsaber to rotation mode to dispense with them quickly. The double bladed mode will help him when he's low on strain and thus cannot utilize Saber Swarm.

For his force powers, he clearly has a master, so I gave him the 5xp discount to the base powers in order to squeeze as much into this build as I could.

Beyond Ataru, the inquisitor clearly needs to improve in the force. As it stands, he has 2 modes, full offensive (using the boost in agility to compensate for the unwieldiness of the rotating saber), or complete defensive. With another Force Rating, he could become far more lethal buy committing to both Sense and Enhance.

His next step would be to pick up the aggressor specialization. When facing Jedi of varying levels of skill, putting them off balance right away by using terrify and other fear-related talents will give him the upper hand. From that tree he could pick up his second Force Rating and really become a force to reckon with.

For Force powers, he’ll likely pick up the remaining left half of the Sense tree, and begin to pick up the more offensive parts of the Move tree. He’ll likely stop there, any more power in the Force and he’ll overstep his bounds and Vader will dispense with him.

For skills, another rank in Lightsaber, Cool, and Coercion wouldn’t hurt. As well as a few ranks in Knowledge (Lore) to help him better prepare himself when he finally faces his prey.

Edited by kaosoe

One more week to go!

Less than 5 days up your Inquisitor build while you can!

Should I post the build from the Spark of Rebellion book since that kind of initiated this debate in the first place? :P

If you built it! Yeah, absolutely.

This is Nemesis NPC from Spark of Rebellion which I wrote, and some of the reasoning behind it. This is based of the F&D Inquisitor build, with some needed upgrades (marked in bold). I used The Acolyte profile, and in the skills phase I didn't take anything particular but added 3 skills that create good scenes in the show- Piloting, Coercion and Lightsaber.

Instead of combat skills at 4, 3, 2 or all knowledge at 2, I opt to show a weaker picture of the inquisitor. He is not that strong, eventually beaten by two less skilled force users. I do not consider this specific NPC a formidable enemy for a hero force user, but a challenge non the less (this is also mirrored in the builds of the crew and other enemy NPCs in the book).

Added abilities are from the same reasoning, commanding troops (per shown in the series as agent) and being awesome at lightsaber (per luff paragraph in the book, Niman with a strong Makashi/Ataru influence).

Gear is not simple matter I hear, for me the lightsaber is just the profiles of the single blade and the double blade, with added Vicious 2 for the spin affect. I didn't want to exaggerate on stats and I am always in the opinion that original content should be respected and used as is.GMs should add narratively more Setback, employ coercion or increased damage/crit, for the unique sith/empire lightsaber.

Armored Clothing buffed a bit to make him formidable. If I could add an Armor point against lighsaber's breach, I would :P



Br 3 Ag 5 In 3 Cu 4 Wi 3 Pr 2

Wound Threshold: 23 Strain Threshold: 23

M/R Defense: 2/2 Soak: 5

Skills: Deception 1, Discipline 4, Leadership 2, , Perception 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 3, Piloting (Space) 2, Coercion 2, Lightsaber 2

Talents: Adversary 3, Force rating 3, Scathing Tirade, Drive Back

Abilities: Aura of Command, Lightsaber Mastery (Agility), Terrifying,

Move: Force Power (The Inquisitor may make a Move power check and may spend z to move one silhouette 0 object within short range to another location within short range).

Equipment: Crescent Lightsaber- The weapon features dual modes - crescent and disc - in addition to some deadly surprises (Spend a maneuver to go from either mode to the other). In its crescent setting, the lightsaber has a single red blade; in disc mode, a second blade emerges, and a spin feature turns the lightsaber in a blindingly fast killing tool.

Single Lightsaber (Lightsaber; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range [Engaged] ; Breach 1 , Sunder);

Double Bladed Lightsaber (Lightsaber; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range [Engaged] ; Breach 1 , Linked 1 , Sunder, Unwieldy 2, Vicious 2 ),

Imperial Agent Armored Clothing (+ 2 soak, + 2 defense).

And the contestants are...




Let the voting commence!

The voting period will then run through the end of July, and the winner will be determined by popular vote at 12am PST on August 1st (8am GMT).

RusakRakesh gets my vote.

But then I’m kind of biased. ;)

My vote actually goes to DonteRotterdam's. I liked his unusual build and it made a lot of sense. It forced me to apply a more handicapped approach with my build.

I vote for Kasoe. Especially that light saber did it for me!

I'm pretty happy I didn't read this thread yesterday since I had not finished season 1 of Rebels yet then...

"ill fated"... did you really have to include that?

All the builds are good, but there's something clean and elegant about Kaosoe's that I'm drawn to. He has my vote.

Spoilers for Season 1 of Rebels below.

I'm pretty happy I didn't read this thread yesterday since I had not finished season 1 of Rebels yet then...

"ill fated"... did you really have to include that?

Ah, I suppose it is a spoiler. I'll edit the top post. Thanks for that.

I actually was thinking of his overall bad luck in consistently failing to capture or defeat Kanan and Ezra...but yeah also the end of the season.

Edited by awayputurwpn

Spoilers for Season 1 of Rebels below.

I'm pretty happy I didn't read this thread yesterday since I had not finished season 1 of Rebels yet then...

"ill fated"... did you really have to include that?

Ah, I suppose it is a spoiler. I'll edit the top post. Thanks for that.

I actually was thinking of his overall bad luck in consistently failing to capture or defeat Kanan and Ezra...but yeah also the end of the season.

No worries, I'm sure most who want to watch Rebels have already finished Season 1.

I'm late to the party because I don't really like Rebels, but I felt I couldn't just dismiss it without at least watching one season.

I'll cast my vote for Kaosoe! I love the agility-based build.

And the winner is kaosoe!

Thanks for playing everyone, and congrats to the winner. I must say the lightsaber made me chuckle :) very nice build kaosoe, and a well-deserved win.

Hope to see you all back for August's YBtC, but until then, may the Force be with you!