Grrrreetings, and welcome back to
You Build the Character!
This is the seventh installment of the regular competition in which FFG community members can compete to build their versions of famous characters from the
universe. The winner is decided by popular vote, and will receive all the honor and glory that comes with peer approval! The winning build will also be eternally enshrined in the
YBtC Hall of Fame
This month's challenge is to build the best version of the evil Jedi hunter, the
as a Player Character (PC) or a Nemesis (NPC).
The following rules apply to your submissions:
1. You may use as much XP
as you like to build
The Inquistor
as a PC (or to Develop your Nemesis, if using the rules found in the EotE GM Kit), but attempts to be both thematic and reasonable are highly encouraged. The Inquisitor is a Pau’an, and (as a PC) starts with 100 XP. You can grant him any amount of additional XP as "earned XP” to be spent on talents, skills, and specializations.
2a. If building a PC:
All builds MUST adhere to the Rules As Written (RAW) for Player Character
creation (Steps 1 - 9)
with the exception of the species stats, found below
(so no skipping talents in trees, no other homebrewed rules).
Ignore Step 10
of character creation. (However, you may include the Inquisitor’s
TIE Advanced starfighter
in your builds, at your discretion, as a substitute for Step 10)
2b. If building a PC:
The Inquisitor is a Pau’an, and since there are no official stats provided by FFG, we will be using some stats put together by our own
, in cooperation with
Donovan Morningfire
Species Abilities
Wound Threshold:
10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold:
10 + Willpower
Starting Experience:
100 XP
Special Abilities:
Pau'ans begin the game with one rank in Coercion or Negotiation. They still may not train Coercion or Negotiation above rank 2 during character creation. They also start with one rank in the Commanding Presence talent.
These stats are unnecessary if building a Nemesis, but can be used for inspiration.
3. All
FFG-published material for the Star Wars RPG is fair game for creating and/or advancing your character:
Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion,
and the
Force and Destiny Beta (using the latest errata available),
including any supplements or other officially published material from these lines, may be used.
Your build(s) may come complete with any vehicles, gear, and other equipment. Re-skin as desired. If you can't find a suitable stats in your collection of rulebooks for a specific piece of equipment (or vehicle), you are free to create your own stats for it.
If you have
previously published or posted
an original stat block for this character, you may use that version in this competition. Including a picture with your build is encouraged!
All entries
must include a full stat block,
which should be presented in a fashion similar to the stat blocks found in official material, and should contain a minimum of the following:
Character Name/Title, Species & Career*
Any Specialization(s)
Background text
Duty, Morality, and/or Obligation score*
Characteristics (Brawn, Agility, etc)
Soak, Wound Threshold, Strain Threshold, Defense
Skill Ranks
*Careers and Duty/Morality/Obligation are PC-only traits
7. If creating a Nemesis,
there are rules for building "an inquisitor" on page 235 of the Force and Destiny Beta. You may follow Steps 1-7 of this Nemesis-building process, if you wish. This is entirely optional, but is a valid approach.
8am PST on Sunday, July 26th
the winner will be determined by popular vote at 12am PST on August 1st (8am GMT).
Edited for spoilers. Edited by awayputurwpn