Pics from Actual Play

By jbmacek, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


They had a crazy deal for an old display screen at Walmart so I snatched it up and with a thin piece of plexiglass it has become our new game table...I use Roll20 to run the game as a GM and project my player profile view onto the great.

REALLY COOOOL! I'm so jealous.

Getting ready for this evening's game!


Taking stock of my minis, it looks like I have most of the Silver Talon Syndicate to throw down on the table, should we get to that.

Edited by jbmacek

I have been creating my games in Table Top Simulator on is a great way to play and add content as well a bridge the gap between players.Now anyone can get some books and find a weekly group.

of corse you still need the books to play this is just a online table simulator program.

I have been getting people into the game for a couple of weeks now.It is a great way for people to try it.Last night I had a guy that was on the fence on buying the game.after running throught the begginer game,He is excited and is on his way to go buy the complet system for his home group.

it is a great program that you can make all your games in.

Illustration of our wookiee mechanic in Bacta tank :P


Edited by RusakRakesh

Getting ready for this evening's game!


Taking stock of my minis, it looks like I have most of the Silver Talon Syndicate to throw down on the table, should we get to that.

UGH! That one square base! #OCDnostalgia :D

I made a Lightsaber during GMing, while I was fiddeling with some take-away utansils, and duct tape.


Edited by RusakRakesh