BlackFireDragon's Trade List. Still Into this game and looking for stuff. Want Odin's Wrath

By BlackFireDragon, in UFS Trading

Rules :
1. If you have any *Seong Mi-na*, you need to trade them all to me.
2. Ref rules apply, if you have any neg refs, you will be sending first. Thats the cost you pay for being a bad trader
3. I will only trade within the US and Canada, sorry everyone else but it costs too much and takes too long for the cards to go back and forth.
4. If you are thinking about ripping keep one thing in mind, You had to give me your address in order for me to send to you... think about it, is it really worth it just for pieces of paper?
5. Mint cards only, if you send me somthing that is damaged, I will send it right back and give you a neg feedback. All my cards are mint
6. What I have posted is what I want, nothing more. So just make an offer and I'll respond to it
7. You can either Post here, Contact me through AIM, or E-mail me at [email protected] (in subject title put "UFS Trade" otherwise it may get deleted). Im not everyday in the late afternoon and evenings and check my e-mail frequently
8. Have fun, if you have any questions, feel free to ask

*NOTE*: I only have my Block 4 stuff posted, if you are looking for Legacy stuff let me know what you want and I will check.

**NOTE**: for faster reply, AIM me at BloodofBlackFire (when IMing me, let me know that you are from here)

***NOTE***: I also have lots of Inuyasha, FMA, and old Yugioh cards. If interested let me know and I will give you a list of what I've got

Current Trade Feedback: +51/-0


Collection wants: (these help seal the deal and are good for your Karma... or something)

Low Wants: (multiple playset wants means Im looking for extras so I dont have to swap between multiple decks)
[x4] Controller of Souls (this is a second playset want)
[x6] Ostreinsburg Castle Thrown Room (2nd and 3rd playset wants)
[x3] Gianzende Nova and Frischer Himmel (3rd playset want)
[x3] Dragon's Flame

Regular Wants:
[x7] Together Again
[x2] Sacrifices for the Cause

High Wants:


Play Mats:
[x2] ShadoWar (1 in and 1 out of plastic)
[x1] Soul Calibur (not in plastic)

[x4] Tower of Souls
[x2] ShadoWar
[x2] Heir to the Storm
[x1] The Devil Within
[x2] Summoning Evil
[x2] Arrayed for Battle
[x6] Power of the Edge (x4 rare, x2 promo)
[x4] The Peaceful Way
[x1] Dariya
[x4] Kilik
[x3] Quest of Souls
[x2] Heihachi Mishima
[x1] Steve Fox
[x1] Bryan Fury
[x7] Jin Kazama
[x1] Marius Gaius
[x2] White Crane

Ultra Rares:
~~~Tekken 6~~~~
[x3] King’s Reverse DDT
[x2] Shockwave Palm
[x2] Kazuya’s Gloves
[x2] Purple Army Suit
[x5] Designer Clothes
[x1] Devil Gene
[x2] Proficient Sniper
[x4] Test of Strength
[x3] Crane strike
[x4] Jotun's Fury
[x1] Descending Dragon Spear
[x2] Twilight Embrace
[x1] Two Deadly Rings Technique
[x1] Wrath of Heaven
[x1] Descending Dragon Spear
[x3] Mighty Knee Strike
[x3] Rage of the Dragon
[x3] Striking Thunder
[x1] Wandering Dragon Staff
[x2] The Double Crown of Egypt
[x1] Scroll of the Celestial Dawn
[x1] Stormhammer
[x1] Valkynsverd
[x1] Claws of the Chian Tang
[x1] Unatural Grace
[x1] Valued but Not Trusted
~~~SoulCalibur IV~~~
[x2] Mt. Devil Divider
[x2] Fire Brand
[x2] Twisting Lotus Flow
[x2] Deathcopter Attack
[x5] Rolling Revenge
[x1] Ninja Cannon: Fury
[x1] Double Grounder Beta
[x1] Hades
[x1] Menuett Dance
[x1] Lightning Horn
[x1] Hades Destroyer
[x3] Quick Exit
[x2] Flexible Body
[x1] Callenge to Battle
[x1] Hunger for Souls
[x3] Ninja Tactics
[x3] Albion
[x4] Yoshimitsu*
[x3] Sword of No Name
[x2] Shishi-Oh*
[x1] Valentine*
[x1] Kulutues*
[x1] Soul Edge*
[x1] Acheron & Nirvana
[x4] Wolfkrone Monument
[x2] Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancients
[x1] Tower of Remembrance- Encounter

~~~Tekken 6 Characters~~~
[x5] Paul Phoenix
[x3] Christie Monteiro
[x3] King
~~~ShadoWar Characters~~~
[x3] Temujin**
[x4] Lu Chen**
[x4] Rashotep**
[x3] Zi Mei**
[x3] Ragnar**
[x2] Astrid
[x1] Yi Shan**
~~~Soul Calibur IV Characters~~~
[x2] Taki
[x2] Yoshimitsu
[x3] Xianghua
[x1] Mitsurugi
[x1] Amy
[x2] Hilde
[x1] Tira
[x1] Algol
[x3] Astaroth
[x3] Cervantes*
[x3] Nightmare*
[x3] Siegfried*
[x2] Ivy*
~~~Tekken 6 Attacks~~~
[x5] Double Face Kick
[x2] Knee Thruster
[x1] Rolling Sobat
[x5] Samba
~~~ShadoWar Attacks~~~
[x2] Hammer Uppercut
[x7] One-Handed Crocodile Grasp
[x3] Peaceful path Hold
[x2] Dragon Lifter
[x4] Fierce Twin Slash
[x1] Exicution Technique Third Rite
[x6] Dragon Punch
~~~Soul Calibur IV Attacks~~~
[x3] Steel Slicer
[x4] Spiral Blade
[x3] Rhythm Halt
[x2] Lower Celtis
[x6] Siren's Call
[x1] Howling Spirits
[x5] Midnight Launcher
[x2] Curse of the Ancient Mariner
[x4] Shadow Flare
[x4] Reborn Basher
~~~Tekken 6 Actions~~~
[x4] Evil Intentions
[x1] Overconfidence
~~~ShadoWar Actions~~~
[x4] The Dragon of Mt. Lao
[x3] Flowing Strikes
[x2] Tieh Lei, Iron Thunder
~~~Soul Calibur Actions~~~
[x4] Quick Strike
[x4] Crawling Stance
[x4] Aura of Strength
[x7] Ascending Zephyr
[x1] Immovable Object
[x4] Base Hold
~~~Tekken 6 Assets~~~
[x5] Lethal Fighting Style
~~~Soulcaibur 4 Assets~~~
[x5] Tower of Remembrance- Ancient Gate
[x2] Jyurakudai
[x2] Hall of the Warrior God
[x1] Pseudo-Soul Calibur
[x5] Ostrheinsburg Castle- Twilight
[x2] Tower of Remembrance- Degredatoin
[x4] Tower of Remembrance- Spiral of Time
[x3] Kunpaetku Shrine- Dream Remnants
~~~ShadoWar Assets~~~
[x3] Armor of the Forsaken One
[x2] Valkyrja's Shield
[x4] Autumn's Kiss
~~~Tekken 6 Foundations~~~
[x4] The Entertainer
[x3] One with the Rhythm
~~~ShadoWar Foundations~~~
[x2] Determined to be the Best
[x1] Endless Years of Practice
[x6] Bloodied but Unbowed
[x6] Calming the Mind
[x4] Atoning for the Past
[x1] Intolerant of Failure
[x1] Covenant Elder
[x4] Long-Standing Rivalry
[x4] Berserker Rage
[x4] Might makes Right
~~~Soul Calibur 4 Foundations~~~
[x5] Lost Partner
[x2] Knows her Objective
[x2] Evil Destroyer
[x1] Seeking Perfection
[x1] Strange Fashion |
[x5] Artificial Soul
[x2] Atoning for His Wicked Deeds
[x1] Mesmerizing Dance
[x3] No Mercy
[x3] Anger Towards a God
[x4] The Azure Knight
[x4] Chasing After the Power




I have 3x *Seong Mi-na*. How many do u want? I also have the rare one from SC05 (Higher Calibur) as well as 4x Mi-na Frankensteiner if u want them.

Reven180 said:

I have 3x *Seong Mi-na*. How many do u want? I also have the rare one from SC05 (Higher Calibur) as well as 4x Mi-na Frankensteiner if u want them.

I'd be interested in all 3, let me know what you would want. The promo is the only one I would want, I collect them.


updated with new stuff

I'm interested in these:

x3 Quick Exit
x1 Full Moon Disembowel
x1 Acrobatic
as well as some rares

I have x3 Shredding Vibrato if you're still interested.

Shady said:

I'm interested in these:

x3 Quick Exit
x1 Full Moon Disembowel
x1 Acrobatic
as well as some rares

I have x3 Shredding Vibrato if you're still interested.

One of the players in my area said he may trade me his Vibratos so I will let you know if I still need them

Shady- One of my local players traded me some Vibrato's so I no longer need them. Sorry

List updated with a few more packs worth

list updated

Interested in Twisting Lotus Flow x2, Full Moon Disembowel, Deathcopter Attack x2, Rolling Revenge, Menuett Dance, Flexible Body x2, Acrobatic, Sword of No Name, Ricky Martin and Mickey Mouse.

Let me know if you can find anything you like on my list, thank you.

Smazzurco said:

Interested in Twisting Lotus Flow x2, Full Moon Disembowel, Deathcopter Attack x2, Rolling Revenge, Menuett Dance, Flexible Body x2, Acrobatic, Sword of No Name, Ricky Martin and Mickey Mouse.

Let me know if you can find anything you like on my list, thank you.

sorry didnt really see anything on your list.

Hey man,

I have a Bloody Funeral, and i'm interested in your Full Moon Disembowel.


RockStar said:

Hey man,

I have a Bloody Funeral, and i'm interested in your Full Moon Disembowel.


how about your bloody funeral and Odin's Wrath for my Full Moon Disembowel

Done deal, man!!!

Email me at [email protected] so we can exchange mailing addys!

Excited, RockStar

RockStar said:

Done deal, man!!!

Email me at [email protected] so we can exchange mailing addys!

Excited, RockStar

do you happen to have any copies of *Seong Mi-na* (promo) ?

BlackFireDragon said:

RockStar said:

Done deal, man!!!

Email me at [email protected] so we can exchange mailing addys!

Excited, RockStar

do you happen to have any copies of *Seong Mi-na* (promo) ?

Not sure, tbh. Let me check. After Rotation, i put almost all my B3 and earlier cards in storage (read: in a large box, and into my closet). If i do, i will certainly send them along, every copy i got!!

RockStar said:

BlackFireDragon said:

RockStar said:

Done deal, man!!!

Email me at [email protected] so we can exchange mailing addys!

Excited, RockStar

do you happen to have any copies of *Seong Mi-na* (promo) ?

Not sure, tbh. Let me check. After Rotation, i put almost all my B3 and earlier cards in storage (read: in a large box, and into my closet). If i do, i will certainly send them along, every copy i got!!

K, well please let me know when you find out. Also I sent you a friend Request so we can communicate via Email/PM

BlackFireDragon said:

RockStar said:

BlackFireDragon said:

RockStar said:

Done deal, man!!!

Email me at [email protected] so we can exchange mailing addys!

Excited, RockStar

do you happen to have any copies of *Seong Mi-na* (promo) ?

Not sure, tbh. Let me check. After Rotation, i put almost all my B3 and earlier cards in storage (read: in a large box, and into my closet). If i do, i will certainly send them along, every copy i got!!

K, well please let me know when you find out. Also I sent you a friend Request so we can communicate via Email/PM

We are now officially FFG Buddies. :) Holler when you get a sec and lemme know what's the what.

Hey man,

I've pulled and set aside those cards that you are wanting. I'm still checking on the Promo Seong Mi-nas for you. If i don't have any (not 100% i do or don't mind you) is that going to be a deal-breaker?

Please hit me up via my email so we can continue our negotiations.


