Question on order planning

By player574292, in Forbidden Stars


During our yesterday game we encountered such a question- is it ok to plant a token just across the warp storm?

The situation was as follows




Where A,B,C,D are systems and - is a warp storm.

Both C and D were under my control so I put 1 advance order to A and advance+2 deploys to B.

First aI transfer a unit from D to B, then built a factory, then 2 built 2 units then transferred the whole army to A. Is it ok or I was violating any rule?

I'm a little confused by your example.. but these answers may help.

1) you CAN NOT move units though a warp storm, unless you have a card or upgrade that allows you to. So there is no way you can move units, ground or ship form one "square tile" to another. Remember a move order counts for the tile it is on, as well as your chosen adjacent tile. So you can place a move on either side of the storm and move units ON the tile.. but not across the warp storm

2) You can ONLY build new units on a planet with a factory. If there is no factory, you can not build there. Once they are built, you can then move as talked about in "1". So to built and move you need to use two of your orders. The move is placed 1st, then the build order, so when you active them but pulling the top off the stack.. it goes BUILD, then MOVE. You can only build on the tile the factory is on.

Edited by iLiveAGAIN

Thank you for your reply.

I fully agree with the statements you provide, though they don't help with my question.

My question is is it legal to place an order in the area A separated from the friendly area C by warp storm and use it later when another unit is moving (not through the warp storm) to area B.

If it will help, i can explain it in terms of initial setup from let's play book.

We take into consideration only upper 4 areas (10a 1a 5a 3b).

The warp storm is located the same way as on the source pic.

10a is controlled by opponent

1a is uncontested

Both 5a and 3b are friendly

Is it ok for me to put the advance order to area 10a (I have only 1 adjascent friendly area - 5a, but it is separated from 10a by warp storm) as well as advance order to area 1a( uncontested at the moment), so I will be able to move units from 3b to 1a using one of the advance, then from 1a to 10a using the second?

We take into consideration only upper 4 areas (10a 1a 5a 3b).

The warp storm is located the same way as on the source pic.

10a is controlled by opponent

1a is uncontested

Both 5a and 3b are friendly

Ok.. um... confused.


"10a is controlled by opponent" - Blue

"1a is uncontested" - RED

"Both 5a and 3b are friendly".... um what? 3B is controlled uncontested by blue and 5a is controlled uncontested by Red.

Is it ok for me to put the advance order to area 10a (I have only 1 adjascent friendly area - 5a, but it is separated from 10a by warp storm) as well as advance order to area 1a( uncontested at the moment), so I will be able to move units from 3b to 1a using one of the advance, then from 1a to 10a using the second?

So.. yeah.. I am still confused.. I hope someone else can help you.. but these points might help..

1) All "paths" MUST exist prior to moving. Apart form ships. You may move ships to complete a chain, then move ground units but ALL ground unit chain must exist at the start of any movement activation. You can not move a ground unit to complete a chain, then move other ground units. You would need 2 movement tokens. Remember ships CAN move first to create a chain.

2) As long as the chain dose not break you can move form the "back" of the chain. So say you have a chain of units. As long as you move from the back to a planet, then repeat with no break in the chain you can move all units in that chain to said planet. •••♦, ••♦, •♦, ♦ (lol hope that makes sense)

3) You can place command tokens in zones that have no units you control. Even movement, build tokens.. w/e. BUT... a movement token only allows you to move on the tile it is place and one adjacent tile of your choice. There is no way to move a unit across 3 tiles. Unless there is a special power card, I haven't seen every card in play but I do not think there is one. So no one movement token can move any unit across 3 tiles, even if there is a chain across them all. You can only ever move on the tile the movement token is on, or from ONE of the tiles next to it.

Edited by iLiveAGAIN

Thank you for the image inserted- i have some problems with it.


Take all the units off the picture. Now imagine that:

1) I play as chaos.

2) There are SM units in 10a.

3) There is nobody in 1a (my bad, not uncontested but uncontrolled)

4) Both 5a and 3b do contain CSM units.

Is it ok for me to put the advance order to area 10a (I have only 1 adjascent friendly area - 5a, but it is separated from 10a by warp storm) as well as advance order to area 1a( uncontrolled at the moment), so I will be able to:

1) move units from 3b to 1a using advance order from 1a.

2) move just the same units from 1a to 10a using advance order from 10a

Is it clear now?

Take all the units off the picture. Now imagine that

1) I play as chaos.

2) There are SM units in 10a.

3) There is nobody in 1a (my bad, not uncontested but uncontrolled)

4) Both 5a and 3b do contain CSM units.

Just before I go on... is this what you mean?

G = Ground Unit

S = Ship Unit

F = Factory

Gray = Planet


Edited by iLiveAGAIN

Not really, there are also several fleets of CSM so there are no problems with the paths, though in general it is almost fine

I'm sorry... you will need to explain where the fleets should be or wait for someone else to help... I'm trying! I really am.

Just one thing..

There is no way to get from tile 5a, to tile 10a with out using 3 movement tokens.

There is no way to get from tile 3b, to tile 10a with out using 2 movement tokens.

There is no way to get from tile 1a, to tile 10a with out using 1 movement token.

no matter how many ships you place.

Edited by iLiveAGAIN

Hopefully I'm not making things more confusing but here I go:

Are you asking if you can play an Advance order on a system adjacent to a friendly system even if there is a warp storm? Yes, you can. You just can't move any unite through the warp storm.

Again I hope I understood. If not, flame on.

Hopefully I'm not making things more confusing but here I go:

Are you asking if you can play an Advance order on a system adjacent to a friendly system even if there is a warp storm? Yes, you can. You just can't move any unite through the warp storm.

Again I hope I understood. If not, flame on.


It was the only question I had.

lol... haha.

Yes, placing an order token on an adjacent system, even if a warp storm is in the way, is a perfectly valid strategy for blocking the sequence in which an opponent gets to resolve his or her orders. When it comes time to resolve your order in that stack, you can just place it on top of your event card deck instead.

Yes, placing an order token on an adjacent system, even if a warp storm is in the way, is a perfectly valid strategy for blocking the sequence in which an opponent gets to resolve his or her orders. When it comes time to resolve your order in that stack, you can just place it on top of your event card deck instead.

The thing is that by the resolution time I will already have some units in the nearby area (not across the warp)

Edited by Drazhar

Yes, placing an order token on an adjacent system, even if a warp storm is in the way, is a perfectly valid strategy for blocking the sequence in which an opponent gets to resolve his or her orders. When it comes time to resolve your order in that stack, you can just place it on top of your event card deck instead.

The thing is that by the resolution time I will already have some units in the nearby area (not across the warp)

Perfectly fine. If you have units that can get into that system by the time you are resolving the advance order, then you certainly can bring those units into the system, provided that they did not get routed before then.

yeah this is a often forgotten rule. Routed units stay routed until the clean up phase at the end of the turn.

Also you are not obligated to use a command token, even if you are able to use it. You can just use it for a event draw.

Also I need to work on my communication skills, cause I already said all this in my posts but somehow it wasn't getting though! lol