Stats for auto-turrets

By DanBoldy, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I was wondering what sort of stats might be appropriate for automated defence turrets?

I'm thinking something like an AP of about 6 and then:

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

- 60 - 30 - - 60 - -

Obiously, unable to move with a high Ballistic skill and Perception.

My plan is to have the players NOT directly attack them but to find a solution around them or fool them. IDEALLY they will pick up on an investigation clue earlier in the session and have a special IFF transponder.

The term "auto-turrets" makes me think of the novel Faith & Fire by James Swallow. There, a series of gun-turrets were linked to a single Servitor, which of course meant that taking out the Servitor would silence the turrets as well. Obviously, this is just one of many options of how to approach the subject, but it comes with three advantages:

  • the crude organic/cyber aspect of such a setup feels very 40k
  • you could take the Servitor stats straight from the books (Core Rulebook p.340)
  • it provides an interesting tactical challenge for the players (do they go for the guns or the "head"? or will they try to cut the cable connection?)
Alternatively, you could just take the stats from a gunskull (Inquisitor's Handbook p.144) and make it immobile in exchange for a bigger weapon?

Also, when you say "auto-turret", do you mean like the auto-tracking machine gun emplacement from the Aliens movie, or something more like a tank/ship turret a la Star Wars turbolasers?

Edited by Lynata

Only War book "Shield of Humanity" presents Tarantula Sentry Gun - SI 12; Armour F12, S10, R10; Crew: Automated Logis Engine, BS 35, AG 40, PER 35, Awareness +10.

I only have the CRB at this time :(
But I like the idea of the gun-servitor.

What I was thinking was 2 or 3 heavy bolter sponsons (A la "Space marine" game) protecting a passageway.

IDEALLY, I want the group to find the IFF identifiers that will allow them safe passage, or a non-aggressive route past the guns- as the group will get attacked later; then the attackers will be targeted instead.

I only have the CRB at this time :(

But I like the idea of the gun-servitor.

What I was thinking was 2 or 3 heavy bolter sponsons (A la "Space marine" game) protecting a passageway.

Take Gun Servitor from CRB (p.340), give him heavy bolter and make him stationary.

Thanks :)

Just don't forget to give him cover :)