I'm having a hard time with pilots.

By zombieearl, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

Ok so a pilot is always a unit while it's in your hand, and you play it, it can then become an enhancement. Now for what ever reason it is removed from play and goes to your discard pile. Now it's a unit again. So my question is when does it switch. when I play it can I reaction or interrupt a unit coming into play. When it leaves play can I reaction or interrupt a unit leaving play. I think one of these two has to be in effect. I think when it leaves play it becomes a unit so it could trigger a unit leaving play effect. Maybe I'm wrong.

Edited by zombieearl

I may be totally wrong, but I believe the card is considered a unit while in hand and at the moment of generating resources it is declared to be either unit or enhancement. If played as an enhancement it remains so until it is removed from play (i.E. placed in discard). So effects triggering on units entering or exiting play shall never trigger if played as enhancement, but if any effects can be triggered off enhancements entering or exiting play they can be resolved.

Edited for spelling and clarity.

Edited by Devon Greatwolf

Lucky timing as we just got a clarification from FFG today (over on cardgamedb.com) on how this works:

- If you are playing the pilot as an enhancement, it is an enhancement from the moment you start playing it (imagine a step 0 in the "effect resolution" process defined in the FAQ where you declare what you're trying to do, can't check restrictions if you haven't said what you're doing)

- If a Pilot card leaves play as an enhancement, it is an Enhancement leaving play for Interrupts and an Enhancement that just left play for Reactions.

- Any further effect that wants to interact with it needs to interact with units, because the card is a unit while sitting in the out of play location

- While in your hand, the pilot card is a unit, so an effect that puts a unit into play (eg Falcon, Mercenary Support) can put the pilot into play. Then, the other part of the pilot keyword can kick in and allow the pilot to enter as an enhancement instead of a unit

I may be totally wrong, but I believe the card is considered a unit while in hand and at the moment of generating resources it is declared to be either unit or enhancement. If played as an enhancement it remains so until it is removed from play (i.E. placed in discard). So effects triggering on units entering or exiting play shall never trigger if played as enhancement, but if any effects can be triggered off enhancements entering or exiting play they can be resolved.

Edited for spelling and clarity.

Close. Old ruling was that you decided whether you were playing it as a unit or enhancement at step 2 (calculate cost), not step 4 (pay cost). However, that ruling has been changed to choosing at step 0 (the unwritten say what you're doing step, since you can't really start the process of doing anything without declaring what you're doing).