Greetings fellow-GMs!
I have some questions concerning the position of Tech-Adepts on other worlds than forge worlds. I understand that the Adeptus Mechanicus primarily "rule" from their forge worlds. Nevertheless a huge hive city - like Desoleum - also is in need of (hundreds) of Tech-Priests just to keep everything running. Now to my questions: Where are these Tech-Priests living in a hive like Desoleum? Is it reasonable to assume that there are minor "machine-temples" or "tech-monasteries" in every level of lets say the main hive? Or are they just limited to the Apex or the voidport sending out Adepts from there wherever they are needed? Is it save to assume that a Tech Adept in hive Desoleum could change levels without being molested by the Sanctionaries for ID (or oath-cog, actually, do the Adepts working in Desoleum count as inhabitants and have oath-cogs and are forbidden to leave the hive?). What would such a machine-temple or tech-monastery look like? Are servitors "made" on the spot, or are they distributed from a forge world into the wider sector?