How will multi-faction decks work?

By Straygeologist, in Deck Building

I'm new to this LCG, never played 1st Edition (I do play Netrunner and LotR).

Can someone explain how multi-faction decks will work? How can I build a Lannister/Targaryan Deck? Will I be able to use the big name characters in the same deck? How many factions can be mixed into one deck?


If you look at any of the spoiled cards that have a faction banner on them there is a white scroll under the banner on cards that are loyal. A loyal card can not be splashed into another faction. A non Loyal card can work with other factions. Based on the spoiled house card we can assume that a minimum number of cards in a deck must be from that decks faction, all cards past that minimum number can come from neutral and other factions.

If you look at any of the spoiled cards that have a faction banner on them there is a white scroll under the banner on cards that are loyal. A loyal card can not be splashed into another faction. A non Loyal card can work with other factions. Based on the spoiled house card we can assume that a minimum number of cards in a deck must be from that decks faction, all cards past that minimum number can come from neutral and other factions.

I read those cards differently, but I could be wrong. Isn't one side of the faction card your represented faction, and the other side an agenda that allows you to ally with another faction? If that is the case then Straygeologist's example of Lanny/Targ would play like this: I choose Lannister as my faction then I choose Targaryan's agenda. I can have as many Lannister cards as I want, but now with the Targaryan agenda, I must include at least 12 non-loyal Targaryan cards in my deck.

With my rules assumption, you cannot splash non-loyal cards from more than one additional faction using a faction's agenda. Am I right?

Edited by owenburgess

This is the exact wording on the Targaryan agenda: You may include non-loyal Targaryen cards in your deck. You must include at least 12 Targaryen cards in your deck.

Yes, I believe Owenburgess is right.

I do wonder though if there is a limit on how many allied factions you can play?

Since you don't seem to be allowed to add cards from other factions to your deck without an agenda, and you can only have one agenda per deck, the current conclusion would be that yes, there is a limit on how many allied factions you can play - one; the same as the limit on agendas you can play (assuming the same agenda limit as 1.0, of course).

But that agenda does not state how many factions you can choose from. Only that you must have a minimum number of in faction cards. You can, by that wording, use two cards each from four factions to play with Targ deck

But that agenda does not state how many factions you can choose from. Only that you must have a minimum number of in faction cards. You can, by that wording, use two cards each from four factions to play with Targ deck

The Targaryan agenda says, "you may include non-loyal Targaryan cards in your deck" which suggests that the rules for 2nd edition will only allow for one faction in a deck including neutral cards. Also, like Ktom said, if 2nd edition has the same rules for agendas, we will only be able to play one faction agenda card.

Excellent, thanks everyone. I'm really looking forward to this. Makes me happy that I can make a Targaryen deck and include Tyrion, wouldn't seem right without him.

I plan to pick this up at GENCON and start playing right away!

Edited by Straygeologist

Excellent, thanks everyone. I'm really looking forward to this. Makes me happy that I can make a Targaryen deck and include Tyrion, wouldn't seem right without him.

I plan to pick this up at GENCON and start playing right away!

I'm jealous. I wish I could make it out to Gencon, but alas I will have to wait until it hits stores. Have fun at Gencon StrayG!

Being able to play more than one agenda would be sweet. I'm looking forward to the rules we get next week.

There is no way in hell it's going to allow multiple agendas.

But that agenda does not state how many factions you can choose from. Only that you must have a minimum number of in faction cards. You can, by that wording, use two cards each from four factions to play with Targ deck

You may want to check your spoiler source.

The Baratheon Banner agenda that FFG spoiled reads:

"You may include non-loyal [baratheon] cards in your deck. You must include at least 12 [baratheon] cards in your deck."

That agenda does state how many extra factions you can choose from: One. Baratheon.

And it specifies that you have to have a minimum of 12 cards with the Baratheon faction in your deck.

I'm not seeing how, if I put this on a Targ deck, it would allow me to play fewer than 12 Bara cards, or include two cards each from four different factions.

The only way that I could include cards from more factions than Targ and Bara while using this agenda on a Targ deck is if the basic rules allow me to use cards from any faction I want in my deck. But if that's the case, then the, "You may include non-loyal [baratheon] cards in your deck" wording on the agenda is redundant and meaningless (because any deck can have Bara cards) - unless the basic rules allow me to only use loyal cards from any faction I want in my deck -- in which case, "loyal" is the most poorly named mechanic ever.

There is no way in hell it's going to allow multiple agendas.

I agree that it is unlikely and probably better this way, but it would still be interesting.