Unhappy Playgroup

By Omnislash024, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So my playgroup is pretty unhappy and I'm not really sure as how to appease them. In fact I'm kinda downright upset myself because of the stuff I am being told. I am the GM/OL player. This campaign has been a way to introduce them into the game, though we've done a few quests now so I feel a bit more confident in playing a little more aggresively.

The last quest we played was Death on the Wing. I used Beastmen for the open group. We only made it through the first encounter, it lasted a couple of hours, and one person didn't even want to play anymore. Now to be fair, I did use a few Tripwires and a Pit Trap to slow people down during the first round or two.

There were complaints however about the reinforcement rule. In fact, there is one who is saying I should totally change it to a random dice roll to see if I get a master monster or not. Basically I am hearing about how I should change it to make it easier on them. I agree that Beastman can be pretty vicious ( it was either them or Ettins), so I am going to not use them again. They don't want the game to be "Easy mode", but that " I shouldn't be trying to win".

Other then that, I could use some tips on seeing as to how I can speed the game up, for the most part. I should note they all did win the encounter.

Somehow this got posted twice.... uhm.... ignore one of them...

I really don't know what to say other than the fact that your players need to get it through their heads that this is NOT D&D. You are not a GM. Your job is NOT to make it fun (in the sense of a GM/DM).

You are another player in the game, competitively struggling to beat them. Quite frankly, it is 4 brains against 1, so you should be the one complaining ... :P

One of the ways I was able to get some of my old group to understand this fact was to allow them to be the OL. It is amazing how quickly opinions change when they were OL, and had to remember everything about 4 heroes, all of their abilities, heroic feats, skills, weapons, etc., not to mention all of the rules, interactions, etc.

It is also important to understand that there are encounters/quests, especially in the base game's Shadow Rune campaign that are slanted towards heros and some towards the OL.

EDIT: Just noticed that all of this whinning was after they actually WON the encounter. Brutal dude, just brutal. My last piece of advice may be to find a new group to play with ... :D

Edited by any2cards

Spot the black sheep in the group and make him OL. This way you will show him that the game is winnable as heroes when you use good tactics.