Grappling Hook?

By player1761766, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Hey folks, just recently getting back into this game, and thought I'd try something new, so have been building a Criminal deck and came across Grappling Hook as a good-looking piece of tech, but I'm a bit confused as to how it works.

If it has strength of "-", does that mean the strength of the ice doesn't matter? I'm assuming yes, but want to make sure before I start throwing some hooks around at my local store!

Thanks in advance!

You're right, even though it breaks subroutines Grappling Hook isn't an icebreaker, so like other non-icebreaker programs it doesn't have a strength value. Not being an icebreaker also means it doesn't have to match the strength of a pice of ice to be able to interact with it. So yes, it can break subroutines on ice of any strength.

Edited by AmtsboteHannes

Thanks for that, AmtsboteHannes! It hadn't even occurred to me that it isn't an, I'm out of practice with this game...