BattleLore Editor?

By Interceptor2, in Battlelore

I've read about a BattleLore map editor, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Anyone know where I can download this?


It used to be on theDOW website before BL moved to FFG, its been gone a while. Best there is at the moment is Vassal, but its not much use for out of vassal usage. Sorry for the bad news (hopefully FFG willdo something similar at some stage.


Hello, I am developper of an non official web editor of Battlelore adventure. It isn't on line actually but I have order an server for that this week.

Normaly, my editor will online in a couple of day. In big pessimist prevision, delay for receive this server, configure it and test web site is two at three week.

I will post again on this forum when the web site will on line, tested and ready for use.

Thank you for your patience.

Thanks, Omega...sounds very cool. I look forward to it.

Hi, can I suggest that as well (or more importantly than) the component list of Terrain required for a scenario, you include a list of the Flags required. I also find that the Standard Banner upside down view when setting up.

cheers and look forward to your work

El Mikel

Hurry.. they are coming !


I'm sorry. I had find several bug during test on the server. Lot of them depend of operating system : some function of PHP differ on windows and unix operating system. I test lastest correctifs bug fix at this time.

I think made it on line this week-end. In a first time, only adventure creation and modification will accessible. Pdf export and creation of the picture of map are not ready at this time.

Cant wait for it.. !

any news on this editor ?

I sorry,

I had find an big security problem on my code. I have to change some parts of my code to achieve the best possible security.
If I put it online now it might cause some problems between the data stored by browsers and those expected in future releases.

I will repost when this editor will be really online.

It's online here .

Localisation of editor isn't fishish but we can create and modify adventure. Actually, the page for view an adventure and pdf export aren't ready : adventure are in private mode only.

New with this editor : we can create an adventure before create an account. Adventure create previous an account are attach automatically to the new account. Adventure create by an simple visitor are one month after last visit of this visitor.

Hi there,

It is looking really rather excellent, thank you for all of your hard work getting the editor up and running.

Will there be an option for English text on the page (its been many years since I did French at school gui%C3%B1o.gif ) though I'm sort of muddling through it seems...


Use Google translate and all will be well !

ps thanks omega man !

Future if Battlelore is good with this editor ;)

Although Google Translate works well, still be nice to have a English button that converts everything into English. Also there are times when you do the google translate that one loses the translation (usually because of google) when going off the main page.


Google cannot translate stuff behind an autentication... or login. Dont wanna sent your password to google. ;)

Just a survival tip.

True as mean you don't trust google?? :)

Authentification and all ajax founction don't work with google translate. Save and reload adventure are break by this web site.

Please use google translate only for understand text of the page.


Translate system is ready for interface items. Now, you do not need to use google translate to the editor.
For now, some items can not be translated. Items can be translate are identify by an blue T . Clic on and write an new translation for made or correct it.
Please choose your language before made an translation. By default language is "French".


omega2 said:

It's online here .

Localisation of editor isn't fishish but we can create and modify adventure. Actually, the page for view an adventure and pdf export aren't ready : adventure are in private mode only.

New with this editor : we can create an adventure before create an account. Adventure create previous an account are attach automatically to the new account. Adventure create by an simple visitor are one month after last visit of this visitor.

Thanks for this tool.

If you need any help with the look or functionnalities (ajax and everithing) I can help.

Here I created a Treasure Generator for Pathfinder RPG:

take a look and contact me if you want.

any progress with the english version guys?


I'm french player and i play with my sons.

I tryed to use editor but, i can't save ma scenario. Can you tel me why , please ?

best regards