Received a notification that a W.I event is coming up near by on the wknd Sept.4-6 with the following rules:
Every participant must submit his list in advance.
50 cards deck.
With each deck there must be:
2 identical Quest cards,
3 copies of one Legend.
9 Support cards (3 copies of each support card)
9 Tactic cards (3 copies of each Tactic card)
1 Neutral Support card (3 copies)
1 Neutral Tactic card (3 copies)
21 Unit cards ( 7 unit cards x 3 copies)
Total: 50 cards.
Player can bring in 2 extra units (3 cards for each unit for total 6 cards) and 2 extra Support and tactic cards (again 3 copies for each) as reserve and can substitute the reserve cards from the playing cards before start of each game, revised list must be submitted in advance for observation and control-approval.
So basically 3 copies of each card (except Quests- 2 copies of same cards).
This will allow every player to have same number of unit, support, tactic, legend and quest cards and everyone is on a equal level when it comes to the volume of cards. (So one deck is not filled with units and another have 1/3 support,etc...) forces every player to include 3 Neutral Tactic and 3 Neutral Support cards.
I am excited, so I might bring in my Witch Elves deck in to this event.
So far 78 people have agreed to send their list (including me) and participate but I am sure things will change and numbers will be different.
I tried to check out but majority of the decks are way more than 50 cards.
What is your thought of constructing a deck in compliance with the above ?
Do you think a relatively good W.I player can easily modify his/her deck to comply with the above and come out victorious ?
the next notification for participating players (July 20) is the list of restricted cards. Deadline for submitting the list is August.15.
* There are 4 un official decks of cards (2 Bretonnians) and (1 Norse) and (1 Amazon) which will also be competing under the above format but their results will not impact the tournament. They are fan made decks and are being put to trial games to check their balance.