Some rule questions

By Nurgle, in Forbidden Stars


we played Forbidden Stars and came across some questions:

1) Using the Ultramarines special ability with the dominate order - does the Ultra-Player need the correct Command limit to upgrade a scout to Space Marine or a SM to a Land Raider?

2) Using the Chaos special ability with the dominate order - can the cultists "move" through a Warp Storm?

3) Can a player move two systems if she/he is using an order to attack the first system and then another to attack a system adjacent to the first one?

4) Using the orbital bombardement - are the hits rolled applied to one unit or are all units on the planet hit by the number oof rolled hits?


1: No. Free units ignore command level restrictions, so upgrading from a Space Marine to a Land Raider is viable even with a command level of 0.

2: Yes. The Chaos ability for a Dominate Order allows you to place a Cultist in some area (with restrictions). And if an ability allows you to place a unit in an area (whether it's a ground unit or a ship), it does not need a legal path to move in.

3: Unlikely. To clarify, you can only place orders during the Planning Phase in systems that contain your stuff, or systems adjacent to them. Thus you cannot place orders during the Planning Phase in systems at least two away from your own. (In theory you could move an order during the Operations Phase, but as yet I don't believe any such ability has been printed.)

4: The units as a group suffer damage, but units targeted by this cannot (normally) be routed by such damage. Keep in mind how damage works - anything left over after one unit dies is applied to another unit in the area (unrouted units and bastions have priority) until either all units on that side are destroyed or the damage total is exhausted.

1.) No. This is a valid way to get around the command-level requirement.

2.) Yes, because it uses the words "take" and "place" instead of "move."

3.) Yes, provided that the unit(s) are not routed prior to the second advance order. If unrouted, then you can move units from system A to system B with one advance order, then (if still unrouted) from system B to system C with another advance order in the same game round. Keep in mind that, in order to place an order token in system C, you would need to already be controlling at least one area in system C or in at least one system adjacent to system C at the beginning of the round.

4.) You deal damage the same way as in combat, except that a unit that is not destroyed does not get routed. You do not total up your offence dice and then deal that much damage to each unit.

Thank you guys for the help.

3: Unlikely. To clarify, you can only place orders during the Planning Phase in systems that contain your stuff, or systems adjacent to them. Thus you cannot place orders during the Planning Phase in systems at least two away from your own. (In theory you could move an order during the Operations Phase, but as yet I don't believe any such ability has been printed.)

I guess the guy asked if you can chain Advance order, like:

System A -> System B (advance order placed) -> System C (advance order placed)

If you resolve System B first, then units moved from A to B can move from B to C when you resolve the second advance (poroviding all conditions for moving units are met, clearly)

But the problem is that without having the system adjacent during the planning phase you would not be able to issue the advance order legally unless it was an adjacent system .

That could be the case. I played Eldar last time. I had one of my ships adjacent to the system but my ground units were 2 systems away. THat way I could place orders in the system. It's possible but it takes somemore planning than just placing orders.