So, as someone who really loves the Eldar, it might hurt my own pride to admit that I am not completely up to date with all of their fluff, ever, but if you read up on the Voidmer, you can split them up into probably four groups:
- Craftworld Eldar- those Eldar who live aboard one of their "numerous" Craftworlds, maintaining the history of the Eldar, and living a regimented lifestyle following the Paths, in order to protect them selves from, and prevent the further growth, of the powers of Chaos. They knoew pear-shaped was the next big thing in their Empire, and ran for it, riding the shockwave of the Eye, and hoping for the best.
- Exodite Eldar- those Eldar who, rather than living on the Craftworlds, can be found on one of a few planets, living a simpler life, and seeming a bit more rustic/backwards than the CW Eldar, though still seen as better than Humans. They lived further away from the core of Eldardom, and so the blast didn't reach them, nor the fallout hit them quite as hard.
- Dark Eldar- BDSM sadomasochistic Eldar with a love of spikes, torture, and being "dark", living in the depths of the Webway, in Commoragh, and sallying out every so often to capture slaves, so that they can siphon off soul essence of others to staunch the damage to their own, both from living in the Webway too long, and from Slaanesh.
- Harlequins- those Eldar who devote themselves to the destruction of Chaos, and the protection of the Eldar's history, particularly the dark secrets in that history. They live in the Webway, guarding the Black Library, and appear outside every so often to do a show, or "do a show" on the face of evil.
There are also the Corsairs, of course, since this is Rogue Trader, and those are the Eldar most likely to be seen, but I often see them as just CW Eldar who couldn't handle the stark life of the Paths, but who aren't so loathing as to become Commoragh-kin. They live in space, have all the tech, less of the SM tendencies, for the most part, and only dress like 80's Eldar, not 80's Eldar Harlequins.
Well, now that you've read my interpretations of the Eldar people, which might be wrong, in spots, or interpreted by me poorly, here's my question. There is, supposedly, this whole second group of hillbilly Eldar, the Exodites, who live on real planets, and such. Where are these people? Where are these planets? Let's not even acknowledge that GW has skipped over them in the table-top, as far as I know, beyond a "they exist" reference. Where are these worlds Eldar actually live on? There are numerous "Maiden Worlds" in just the Koronus Expanse, which the not living there Eldar are often quick to come kick other people off of, and a few places that the Eldar hold onto, for spiritual, psychic, or other reasons, but these places never seem to have an Eldar population, in house. Craftworld Eldar seem to look down at their "country cousins" a bit, and I never see them giving up their freedom of movement (Craftworld) to live somewhere with real air and food, even with the Webway as a good run away option, should things get dicey. DE and Clowns seem to stay in the Webway, till they come out to sew/thrash Chaos, respectively. I don't think there are any Exodite Worlds out this far.
As for in the Imperium, I'd think any world with active Eldar populations would get shot at, especially if they lack dome of the technology Eldar use to make up for there only being about as many of them as there are Space Marines, and they are even harder to make. Where are all these "Exodite Worlds" located, that I never seem to see? How do they still function without things like Aspect Warriors (that's one of the Paths, and I sort of understand that the Exodites don't follow those, at least to the same extent), and without being squashed by the Imperium, or stray Ork Waaghs!? I can think of a number of reasons I might like to have an Exodite World appear in the Expanse, but are there any out that far? I seem to recall that they are the remnants of those Eldar who lived on worlds outside the "blast radius" of the Eye of Terror, when the Eldar gave birth to Slaanesh, but, surviving that, I'm uncertain how they have survived all else. I see the biggest advantage the Eldar has as the Webway, where they, and the things they live in, can safely duck in, and come out someplace else, which a planet, or a village on that planet, cannot do. What are they really like? I've heard Eldar riding dinosaurs, and other such stuff.
Certainly, for some of this, I could ask the Internet, but I like to read the musings of real people, sometimes, and so I'm asking here, first. Thanks much.